Captains Tryouts

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This article is about the Captains Tryouts. For Captains' Summer Exchange, see Captains' Summer Exchange.

Captains Tryouts is an online test exchange or captains/officers of Division C teams around the nation to contribute by writing state- to national-level tests and in return gain access to a folder of all tests in the exchange. The exchange begins in September and typically lasts until late November, though schools are welcome to contribute tests after the deadline. After all teams involved finished tryouts, the folder of tests is opened to the public. Links to tests from the 2015 and 2016 exchanges can be found in the Test Exchange and below.

Captains Tryouts 2015

Anatomy & Physiology


Cell Biology

Chemistry Lab

Compound Machines

Dynamic Planet


Experimental Design



Geologic Mapping

Green Generation

It's About Time

Protein Modeling

Technical Problem Solving

Captains Tryouts 2016

Anatomy & Physiology


Cell Biology

Chemistry Lab

Disease Detectives

Dynamic Planet

Experimental Design



Geologic Mapping

Green Generation


Invasive Species

It's About Time

Protein Modeling

Wind Power

Write It Do It