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{{Graph:Chart|width=100|height=100|type=pie|legend=<translate><!--T:75--> Legend</translate>

 |legend=<translate><!--T:76--> Legend</translate>|type=stackedarea|x=1,2,3,4,5,6|y1=10,12,6,14,2,10


Previously installed, was reinstalled.



Previously installed but was missing a package. Was reinstalled with the missing package. Old uploads will need metadata refreshed.

Topic on Extension talk:PdfHandler

[[File:CSE Density Lab Practice Test.pdf | page=1 | 600px]]

File:CSE Density Lab Practice Test.pdf

[[File:PdfHandler.pdf | page=1 | 600px]]




Installation in progress.

<mapframe text="Map of [[wikipedia:London|London]]" latitude="51.505" longitude="-0.126" zoom="8" width="300" height="300" align="left">
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
          "title": "[[wikipedia:London|London]] is the capital of [[wikipedia:United Kingdom|United Kingdom]]",
          "description": "[[File:Houses_of_Parliament.jpg|Houses of Parliament|280px]]",
          "marker-symbol": "town-hall",
          "marker-size": "large",
          "marker-color": "f00"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
Map of London


Installation previously attempted. Reinstalled but not loaded.


Installation previously attempted. Reinstalled but not loaded.

Userbox Upgrade

NJBernard/Sandbox competes in New Jersey.
WWPHSNSciolyperson1 attends WW-P High School North.
DMAHSciolyperson1 attends Dank Memes Area Homeschool.
2.5K+ This user has made more than 2500 contributions to the Scioly Wiki.
Gold2.gifSciolyperson1 has been exalted 2 times.
Washington flag.jpg
Bernard/Sandbox competed in Washington.
Interlake logo.gif
Bernard/Sandbox attended Interlake High School.
Bernard/Sandbox has been exalted 2 time(s).
NJBernard/Sandbox competes in New Jersey.
WWPHSNSciolyperson1 attends WW-P High School North.
DMAHSciolyperson1 attends Dank Memes Area Homeschool.
2.5K+ This user has made more than 2500 contributions to the Scioly Wiki.
Gold2.gifSciolyperson1 has been exalted 2 times.
Washington flag.jpg
Bernard/Sandbox competed in Washington.
Interlake logo.gif
Bernard/Sandbox attended Interlake High School.
Bernard/Sandbox has been exalted 2 time(s).
1st Community Middle School received a 1st place trophy at the 2017 Little Tiger Invitational.
2nd Community Middle School received a 2nd place trophy at the 2017 Rustin Invitational.
4th azboy1910 has received a 4th place medal in Circuit Lab at 2018 O'Neal Invitational.
Gold azboy1910 has received a Gold medal in Crime Busters at 2018 O'Neal Invitational.
4th azboy1910 has received a 4th place medal in Density Lab at 2019 Piedmont Invitational.
1st Community Middle School received a 1st place trophy at the 2017 Little Tiger Invitational.
2nd Community Middle School received a 2nd place trophy at the 2017 Rustin Invitational.
4th azboy1910 has received a 4th place medal in Circuit Lab at 2018 O'Neal Invitational.
Gold azboy1910 has received a Gold medal in Crime Busters at 2018 O'Neal Invitational.
4th azboy1910 has received a 4th place medal in Density Lab at 2019 Piedmont Invitational.
Washington flag.jpg
Bernard/Sandbox competed in Washington.
Interlake logo.gif
Bernard/Sandbox attended Interlake High School.
Bernard/Sandbox has been exalted 2 time(s).

Satellite SO/mini SO Summary

2021 Events
Division B Division C
Gold Standard Satellite SO mini SO Gold Standard Satellite SO mini SO
Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy and Physiology
Boomilever Digital Structures Digital Structures Astronomy
Circuit Lab Circuit Lab (Test Only) Boomilever Digital Structures Digital Structures
Crime Busters Crime Busters (Dry Lab Only) Chemistry Lab Chemistry Lab (Test Only)
Density Lab Density Lab (Test Only) Circuit Lab Circuit Lab (Test Only)
Disease Detectives Codebusters Codebusters
Dynamic Planet Designer Genes
Elastic Launched Glider Unsuitable Detector Building Detector Building (Test Only)
Experimental Design Experimental Design* Disease Detectives
Food Science Food Science (Test Only) Dynamic Planet
Fossils Experimental Design Experimental Design*
Game On Game On Forensics Forensics (Dry Lab Only)
Heredity Fossils
Machines Machines (Test Only) Geologic Mapping
Meteorology Gravity Vehicle Gravity Vehicle*
Mission Possible Mission Possible Machines Machines (Test Only)
Mousetrap Vehicle Mousetrap Vehicle* Ornithology
Ornithology Ping Pong Parachute Unsuitable
Ping Pong Parachute Unsuitable Protein Modeling Protein Modeling (Test Only)
Reach for the Stars Sounds of Music Sounds of Music (Test Only)
Road Scholar Water Quality Water Quality (Test Only)
Water Quality Water Quality (Test Only) Wright Stuff Unsuitable
Write It Do It Write It CAD It Write It CAD It Write It Do It Write It CAD It Write It CAD It

Test Only — limited to the written test portion of the event as described in the event rules only
Dry Lab Only — conducted providing participants with pre-generated data for lab activities as described in the event rules that they are then expected to analyze
* — indicates events that may be possible in a mini SO format depending upon choices made by the Event Supervisors for that tournament
Unsuitable — unsuitable for at home participation due to safety, space/facility, or judging considerations as well as a combination of any or all of those factors