The Best of 2019
This is a collection of pictures and videos of devices that placed in the top ten at the 2019 National Tournament at Cornell University. Feel free to add more pictures and/or videos of devices. If possible, please include a description about your device. Because everyone benefits when we share, devices that did not place in the top ten are sometimes allowed.
The Best of Nationals pages highlight the best devices for building events from recent national tournaments. All photos and videos of devices on these pages are submitted by users.
Battery Buggy (Division B)
30th Place
These pictures were submitted by MadCow2357, who competed for Gallagher Middle School. The buggy was 9.2 cm wide, and he consistently achieved scores of below -25 during practice with a 20 cm can bonus. It clocked below 3 seconds on most runs, even though it was 1.5kg and hard to accelerate. Unfortunately, the buggy hit the outer can both runs at Nationals, costing him a finish in the Top 10 and causing him to place poorly. See forums post:
Credits to windu34, markuswso17, and Bazinga+ for much help and guidance. Feel free to PM MadCow2357 with any additional questions/comments.
Elastic Launched Glider (Division B)
Second Place
This is one of the Elastic Launched Gliders built by builderguy135 who competed in Elastic Launched Glider for Community Middle School at Cornell University 2019. I used a modified Bill Gowen design. At nationals I was able to attain a high of 38.7 seconds but 40.6 seconds was my personal best, flown outside.
Mission Possible (Division C)
First Place
These pictures were submitted by greenaknoll and AngelMB, who competed for Boca Raton Community High School (FL). Device completed all 12 tasks with the time of 112 seconds (target time 105 seconds) and a score of 1561. A video of the national run can be found here:
Protein Modeling (Division C)
Second Place
This is the anti-CRISPR model built by User:Nano1llus10n and his partners who competed in Protein Modeling for Seven Lakes High School at Cornell University 2019. The additional green domain represents the topo domain which anti-crispr interacts with.
Roller Coaster (Division B)
First Place
This is the roller coaster built by User:builderguy135 and User:sciolyperson1 who competed in Roller Coaster for Community Middle School at Cornell University 2019. We had 86 gap and 47 seconds (Target 47) to attain a score of 665. A glass or metal ball was NOT used - as can be seen by the second picture.
Sounds of Music (Division C)
Seventh Place
This is the guitar built by User:Justin72835 and User:Riptide who competed in Sounds of Music for Seven Lakes High School at Cornell University 2019.
Water Quality (Division B)
Second Place
This is the salinometer built by User:Hmmm who placed 2nd in Water Quality for Community Middle School at Cornell University 2019. It was made using a plastic coffee stirrer found in the Community Middle School cafeteria. Additionally, clay was used to weigh down one of the ends of the salinometer.
Water Quality (Division C)
Fourth Place
This is the salinometer built by User:Sprynder who competed with User:Fridaychimp in Water Quality for Seven Lakes High School at Cornell University 2019. It was made using a plastic pipette and was weighed down by metal Airsoft pellets, clay, and snippets of solder.
Wright Stuff (Division C)
Ninth Place
This is the plane built by User:Nano1llus10n and his partner who competed in Wright Stuff for Seven Lakes High School at Cornell University 2019. It was made using a modified Freedom Flight Kit (Dave Zeigler).
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