User talk:AnotherPenguin

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Yeah, you didn't really expect anything here, did you? Watch as I put all my medals and experience here so only people who really know how to use the wiki can view it.


Please leave your reviews down below:

Splendid! --AbstractPenguin (talk) 07:33, 16 May 2021 (UTC) (Example ofc)

The game's mechanics are quite simple, yet I still found it to be difficult finish the levels and as the name suggests, avoid the radiation. The game also covers the topic and scientific principles beautifully, perhaps because there is no given topic to which it must adhere. As this is the only Game On game I have ever seen and seems to execute its goal without fault, it is by default the best and sets the standard to which other games must meet. 10/10 - Basilosauridae (talk) 06:36, 23 March 2021 (UTC)