Science Quiz Bowl

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Not to be confused with Science Bowl.

Science Quiz Bowl is a trial event run in New York for Division B and Division C for the 2017-2018 season. It is also one of the National Trial Events for Division B for the 2018-2019 season. This event tests students' knowledge of a variety of STEM fields. Teams are not allowed to bring any information resources to this event.

The Event

Similarly to Experimental Design, this event allows for 3 people to work together. The first part of the event is a 200 question test encompassing Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics. The top 6 teams with the best scores move on to participate in a buzzer competition.

In the buzzer competition, each team must choose a captain who will announce the final answer to each question, but any competitor can buzz in if they choose to. Teams are allowed 10 seconds once they buzz in to discuss the answer. The questions can be multiple choice, fill in the blank or short response and, similar to the test, encompass Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics. Teams get 10 points if they get the question correct and lose 10 points if they get the question incorrect. The competition until all questions are answered or until 50 minutes has elasped. In the event of a tie, winners will be decided by a set of bonus questions that in a "sudden death" format.

Past Times it has been Run

Science Quiz Bowl has been held several times in New York and Pennsylvania. It was held at the Rustin Invitational, Cornell Invitational, and the South Shore Seawolves Invitational in the 2017-2018 season. It was also held at the Chestnut Hill Invitational and the Cornell Invitational in 2018-2019 season.

External Links

2018 NY Trial Rules