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Part of Sierra Vista Middle School team Black in the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 seasons. Tigerjade003 enjoys competing in Science Olympiad. In 2020-2021 he competed in Crime Busters, Food Science, Road Scholar, and Code Busters. He was part of Sierra Vista Middle School team Black in the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 seasons. He enjoys competing in Science Olympiad . In 2021-2022 he competed in Crime Busters, Food Science, Code Busters, and Bio Process Lab. Umaroth's Code Busters tests make my brain commit die.

General Information
Years in SO 2
Current Team Sierra Vista Middle School
State SoCal
Division B
Total medals 54 and counting
  • 50 invitational medals
  • 3 regional medals
  • 1 state medal
  • 0 national medals
Social Media
Discord tigerjade003#9585

2020-2021 (7th Grade)

Tigerjade003 joined Science Olympiad as a seventh grader and at the first scrimmage did okay with a 1st, a 3rd, and a 4th place. He was placed on the first team(Black). He did some of the most competitive events, and was moved down after the first tournament. He consistently stayed on the second team. As the forensics MYSO was at the same time as regionals, Tigerjade003 did not compete. Tigerjade003 learned his lesson about studying, which was why he basically stayed on the second team the whole year.

2021-2022 (8th Grade)

As an eighth grader his coach gave him and his fellow friend responsibilities that included helping to create lineups and other things when necessary. Tigerjade003 had his first in person competition at University of Texas Austin and loved the experience of it. Tigerjade003 only plans to compete in the forensics MYSO, as he is preparing for his school's invitational and preparing for regionals. Tigerjade003 had a few problems in Crime at the beginning of the year, but resolved them when he got a good partner(the previous one had dropped alka-seltzer in the bottle of iodine just to see it fizz). He had to do a few more invitationals with the bad partner as the good partner was not available.


Format copied from Umaroth.


Event Scrimmage BearSO UTA CWP Dodgen Belleville Northview Pearl City CWP 2 Rustin Socorro Kenston Solon Slinger Harvard Sierra Vista CWP 3 Eagle View Kennedy UMich Regionals Springhouse BirdSO Menomonie Troy Marquette States Lexington
Crime Busters 3rd - 30 4 2 2 27 8 12 4 13 1 10 - 6
Food Science 4th 36th 11 - 3 10 13 15 3 - 8 4 - - 4
CodeBusters 1st 12th 8 3 2 2 N/A 1 2 - 3 1 - - 1
Mousetrap 6th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - -
Road Scholar - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 2 2 5 -
Cybersecurity (Trial) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 N/A


Event UTA Rickards Dodgen Belleville Troy Dick Smith BirdSO SONI UC Davis Harvard Sierra Vista
Crime Busters 7 1 3 1 1 1 2 12 9 x* 4 4
Code Busters 1 2 5 1 1 10 5 3 1 1 3
Food Science 2 - - 1 - - - - - - -
Team Overall 1 2** 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

- = didn't compete in the event at the tournament

N/A = wasn't run at the tournament

x = unfair grading

** = lost by tiebreaker

*answers that were the exact same as the key were marked wrong(ammonia was marked wrong, the answer was ammonia).

Event Ranting

Note: This is just my opinion. All of this below is shaped by my own experiences, and should not be used as an accurate description of the event. This is not meant to harm or attack anybody.

Crime Busters

Dealt with some lazy test writers/proctors, not responding to your messages based on fixed timeblocks, and then autograding answers that shouldn't be autograded. Also dealt with some suspicious test proctors, who marked answers that were clearly correct(ex my answer: ammonia, test ans: ammonia) as wrong. Some tournaments have suspects as guilty, but they only have one or two pieces of evidence.

Food Science

Seems like tests that should focus on candy making(the 2021-2022 topic) focus like 1/2 of it on this year's specs and half of it on last year's specs. Dealt with tests copied from other invitationals or questions that were directly copied.

Code Busters

These tests are usually on specs. However, dealt with a few doing last year's specs/division c stuff. Also dealt with some low quality tests that seem like they were written at the last minute. Umaroth's code tests are well written, and include trick questions.

Test Rating

Note: This is just my opinion. This is not meant to be taken as an accurate description of any event, and is meant not to harm or attack anybody.

Crime Busters

UTA 2021 - first in person crime test, in my opinion, was a little long. Rating: (8/10)

Rickards 2021 - Just a normal crime test, but feels like the among us theme was repeated too many times already last year. Rating: (8/10)

Dodgen 2021 - Pretty good test. Rating: (9/10)

Belleville 2021 - Feels like this test was written last minute. Next to no description about the suspects. Very short test. Rating: (1/10)

Troy 2021 - Well written test, with a twist of all suspects being guilty. Rating: (10/10).

Dick Smith 2021 - Well written test, but too easy. Usually a 60% on the test would get you a top 3, but an 88% on this test got a 10th place. Rating: (6/10)

BirdSO 2021 - Well Written test, with a slight off-specs part about having to enter chemical formulas. This is expected since birdso had 100+ teams. Slight unfair grading. Rating: (8/10)

SONI 2022 - Not a very well written test. Suspect information was good, but the overall test had a bad vibe to it. My Partner got their cheat sheet stolen while they were taking another test, which they only had a few copies since the file got deleted. Rating: (6/10)

Davis 2022 - A little cheesy scenario, pretty good but a short test. VERY UNFAIR GRADING(answer was literally ammonia and we put ammonia but got it marked wrong). Test Quality: (8/10). Grading Quality: (3/10).

Harvard 2022 - Seems copied from another test. Otherwise well written, but a bad format to input onto Scilympiad. Rating: (7/10).

Sierra Vista 2022 - Not well written. Had literally clear iodine passed out. Rating: (6/10).

Food Science

There isn't many ratings as I haven't done many of the invitational tests.

UTA 2021 - well written test, but was hard to identify the proteins. Rating: (7/10)

Belleville 2021 - Feels like test was written last minute. A lot of last year's spec stuff. Rating: (3/10)

Code Busters

UTA 2021 - well written test, weird format. They took about a minute to check our timed(that's a 2400 point extra). Rating: (7/10)

Rickards 2021 - long test, some hard, some easy questions. No timed bonus(for any team). Rating: (8/10)

Dodgen 2021 - no timed bonus for any team. Not that hard, but kinda hard of a test. Rating: (7/10)

Belleville 2021 - 8 question test, no timed bonus for any team. Screwed up timed question by clicking save 20 minutes in, but since no team got a bonus, we still placed first. Finished the test in 20 minutes. It seems like this test is made last minute. Rating: (-1/10)

Troy 2021 - Well written test. Timed bonus within 2:30. Rating: (9/10).

Dick Smith 2021 - A lot of hard questions. Questions are weirdly formatted(Scilympiad glitch). Otherwise, good test. Rating: (8/10)

BirdSO 2021 - very good test. A little div c stuff, but the resources were provided. Rating: (9/10)

SONI 2022 - Scilympiad crashed in the morning, moving code to the end of the day. They allocated 61 minutes for the test, when the slot was 81 minutes. This was so the 11 minutes at the beginning were supposed to be a buffer so all teams start at once, but then they didn't change the length of time the test had but increased timeslot time. Only got to do 41 minutes of the test. Event name was Codebusterst. Rating: (6/10)

Davis 2022 - well written test, good grading. Rating: (8/10)

Harvard 2022 - kinda short test, not many aristocrats. Rating: (7/10)

Sierra Vista 2022 - Kinda evil test. Seemed to be a hint for the timed only for it not to be a hint. Then blanked out towards the end, but well written test. Rating: (9/10).

Common Name Mixups

1) Tagerjade003 - people who are careless/in a rush


What I like to do:

  • Rubik's cube
  • coding
  • reading


  • Scioly Event: Codebusters
  • Sport: Tennis

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