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School Information
Paleofreakazoid was a science olympian in northern California, and currently attends Brown University studying inorganic geochemistry. He is an IB Diploma graduate from Mira Loma High School. He competed for six consecutive years in Science Olympiad, and three years in C Division. He started in seventh grade on Winston Churchill Middle School's B Team, was a member of the first Winston Churchill Middle School team to make it to the national competition in recent history. He has been a captain three times: his seventh, ninth, and twelfth grade years, and was part of the 2014 nationals Spirit Squad (on stage!). He has been a member of the community since 2009, and as Paleofreakazoid since April of 2011. He has also acted as an event supervisor and test writer for the Churchill Invitational, the Mira Loma Invitational, the Sacramento regional competition, and the Rhode Island state competition.
WCMSPaleofreakazoid attended Winston Churchill Middle School.
MLHSPaleofreakazoid attended Mira Loma High School.
NCAPaleofreakazoid competes or competed in the Sacramento region of California (North).

Event Experience

Current Events

Past Events Competed In

Past Events Prepared For/Build Event Fill-Ins

2010 (7th Grade)

Table #1: 2010 Competition Results*

Event Regionals
Ecology 8th
Experimental Design 3rd
Fossils 3rd
Pentathlon LAST

*Colored boxes represent events Paleofreakazoid medaled in. Blank boxes are events that Paleofreakazoid did not compete in.

2011 (8th Grade)

Table #2: 2011 Competition Results*

Event Regionals State Nationals
Compute This 1st 5th 5th
Ecology 2nd 8th
Experimental Design 1st 1st 12th
Fossils 2nd 2nd 7th

*Colored boxes represent events Paleofreakazoid medaled in. Blank boxes are events that Paleofreakazoid did not compete in.

2012 (9th Grade)

Table #3: 2012 Competition Results*

Event Camas Muscatel Regionals State Nationals
Compute This 2nd 4th 1st 4th 6th
Experimental Design 3rd
Keep the Heat 1st 1st 1st 1st
Mission Possible 2nd 1st 1st 2nd
Rocks and Minerals 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st

*Colored boxes represent events Paleofreakazoid medaled in. Blank boxes are events that Paleofreakazoid did not compete in.

2013 (10th Grade)

Table #4: 2013 Competition Results*

Event Regionals Iolani State
Astronomy 4th 15th 3rd
Rocks and Minerals 1st 1st 2nd
Experimental Design 16th (Tier 2)

Clearly not a good year for me.

*Colored boxes represent events Paleofreakazoid medaled in. Blank boxes are events that Paleofreakazoid did not compete in.

2014 (11th Grade)

Table #5: 2014 Competition Results*

Event Mira Loma Troy Regionals State Nationals
Compound Machines 1st
GeoLogic Mapping 2nd Like 10th or something 1st 1st 11th
Mission Possible 2nd** 1st** 9** 1st** 5th**
Rocks and Minerals 2nd 3rd 1st 1st*** 4th
Write It Do It 1st Like 7th or something 1st 1st 22nd

*Colored boxes represent events Paleofreakazoid medaled in. Blank boxes are events that Paleofreakazoid did not compete in.

**PaleoFreakazoid built, but did not test the device at this competition due to event conflicts

***PaleoFreakazoid received scholarships from the Mother Lode Mineralogical Society for performance in this event, and for the B Division team he coached in this event

2015 (12th Grade)

Table #6: 2015 Competition Results*

Event Mira Loma Troy Regionals State Nationals
Astronomy 1st
Dynamic Planet 1st
Experimental Design 13th
Fossils 1st 1st 1st 3rd
Geologic Mapping 1st 2nd 1st 6th
Mission Possible 2nd 1st** 2nd 11th
Write It Do It 6th

*Colored boxes represent events Paleofreakazoid medaled in. Blank boxes are events that Paleofreakazoid did not compete in.

**PaleoFreakazoid built, but did not test the device at this competition due to event conflicts