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Name: Frank Roberts

Grade: 9th

School: Lakeshore Middle School (Grand Haven)

City: Grand Haven, MI

Division: B

"You Ain't First Your Last" - Ricky Bobby

(I have gotten last many times according to Ricky Bobby)

6th Grade Results

This was my 1st year of Science Olympiad and I was just learning the ropes. Mrs. Bird was my coach that year

Year Grade Team Event B&G1 Regionals States Nationals!
2015 6th White Pines Green Gen 1st - - -
2015 6th White Pines Simple Machines 3rd - - -
2015 6th White Pines Bio Process Lab 3rd - - -
2016 6th White Pines OVERALL TEAM - 8th overall 18th overall -
1: Place was per Grade Level
  • Did not compete this Year

7th Grade Results

Team Event B&G1 Regionals States Nationals!
White Pines Crave the Wave 2nd 31st -
White Pines Green Gen 1st 9th -
White Pines Invasive Species 1st 8th 14th -
White Pines Road Scholar2 1st - - -
White Pines Wind Power 1st 3rd 7th -
White Pines Mission Possible - 9th -
White Pines OVERALL TEAM - 8th overall 10th overall -
1: Place was per Grade Level
2: Did not compete in this event
  • Did not go to Nationals that year

8th Grade Results

Team Event B&G1 Regionals States Nationals!
Lakeshore Middle Fast Facts 2nd
Lakeshore Middle Ecology 1st2 1st
Lakeshore Middle Hovercraft 1st2 15th
Lakeshore Middle Invasive Species 1st2 2nd
Lakeshore Middle Optics 1st2 -
Lakeshore Middle Towers 3st -
Lakeshore Middle Mission Possible 1st
Lakeshore Middle Wind Power 1st 1st
Lakeshore Middle TEAM OVERALL 1st
1: B&G is like tryouts place was per Grade Level
2: Placed first overall
3: Did Not Compete in Competition