I think this is an important crux to this discussion. What somehow makes it "not right" for a team to use 9th-graders when they are allowed to? I don't get the mentality of "well, if we can't use 9th graders, then nobody else in our situation should be able to". That, to me, is not right.
I don't think other teams have a right to know which specific teams are using 9th graders. It could easily start getting into shaming territory. There's been a lot of rhetoric in this thread that suggests that schools that cap out at 8th grade should not use 9th graders, and that doing so is somehow morally wrong. Given this, how would making team compositions public be helpful at all?SOcoachB wrote: ↑Mon May 10, 2021 8:01 pm Additionally, I think that schools that do well at states/nationals without any 9th-graders deserve some sort of recognition for that.
If they are not following the norms followed by other schools because they "just trying to have a more competitive team" (translation: give themselves a competitive advantage), they can do it. It's not against the rules. But why do you think that no other member schools in the same organization have a right to know that this is happening?
I do think that recognizing the top teams that cap out at 8th grade may be an interesting compromise. But, it has to be done in a way that doesn't shame other teams that are using 9th graders to compete.