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TrankisFian, is a current attendee of Ladue's Science Olympiad Program. Ladue's Science Olympiad program feeds from the middle school (Ladue Middle School), and feeds into the high school (Ladue Horton Watkins High School). He first started attending Science Olympiad meetings in September of 2021 (7th grade), playing around with events such as Dynamic Planet and Mousetrap Vehicle. He is most interested in Science branches discussing physics and earth science. Hence, competing in Dynamic Planet. He is also a big fan of Pembroke Hill's alumnus, Poonda, who has competed with him in a very friendly rivalry, in the event Dynamic Planet in the 2023 season at state and nationals in the same room.

Ladue.jpegTrankisFian attended Ladue Middle School.
LHWHSTrankisFian attends Ladue Horton Watkins High School.

Tian's Favorite Liang

He hopes to go to a good college.

TrankisFian's Accomplishments
Number of Years in SciOly 2
Total Medals/Ribbons 5
Total Podiums (reg/state/nats) 5
Invitational Medals/Ribbons 0
Regional Medals/Ribbons 2
State Medals/Ribbons 3
National Medals/Ribbons 0
The Beautiful Interaction of Nathan Zhao (Pembroke), Frank Tian (Ladue), and Alex Wang (Ladue), at Dynamic Planet's Missouri State Awards Ceremony 2023 Div. B



In the 2022 season, there were events such as Dynamic Planet (freshwaters), and Mousetrap vehicle. I had also signed up to tryout for Storm The Castle but had not attended a single meeting as they were on all Saturdays and I was presumably too lazy to get up. This was by far the worst year in SciOly I had and I would not recommend applying my habits in this year upon anyone else, as I had not made it on Ladue's Training or Competition Team (Team B/A, respectively).

Dynamic Planet
Mousetrap Vehicle
Storm the Castle


This time I knew I couldn't do the same thing as I did in 7th grade. I had signed up for these particular events: Dynamic Planet, Experimental Design, Solar System, Fast Facts, Crave the Wave, WIDI (Write it Do it), and Codebusters. I ended up dropping Codebusters and Solar System, as they conflicted with my other extracurriculars. So the events I had actually competed in were Dynamic Planet, Fast Facts, and Experimental Design. Dynamic Planet was the most W event in this season, as my trustworthy partner Alex Wang and his magic eraser would save the day. We competed together in regionals, state, and nationals. It was extremely fun to compete with him. Hopefully again in the future (as of typing this in 2023).

Event Regionals State Nationals
Dynamic Planet 1st 1st 20th
Experimental Design 1st 2nd 22nd
Fast Facts Conflict 2nd Conflict
Team 1st 2nd * 14th

*Ladue had the chance to win but due to Storm the Castle's special case, not working, it placed 23rd, bringing us down.

Other Info

Frank is to this day an avid player of Brawl Stars. If you are interested in playing with me, friend me and I'll carry you to 50k trophies: teutinypop

He is also an avid piano player, competing in state competitions, a player, with his 4000k elo gameplay, and also enjoys pulling up on the opps in Roblox.

Hall of Fame


