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Packer-backer91 was a Science Olympiad competitor from 2005 to 2010 from Manistee, part of Region 3 in the great state of Michigan. For a career total of 32 medals, of them 6 state medals, as well as 6 Regional team Championships. Helped his school advance to State every year he participated in SO never earning the chance to go to nationals.

Past Events

2010 Environmental Chem Experimental Design Fossils Mouse Trap Vehicle
2009 Dynamic Planet Environmental Chem Electric Vehicle Experimental Design Fossils
2008 Electric Vehicle Experimental Design Health Science
2007 Experimental Design Health Science Scrambler
2006 Experimental Design Heredity Wheeled Vehicle
2005 Experimental Design Robo-Billiards Storm the Castle

The events that he has enjoyed the most include: Mouse Trap Vehicle, Scrambler, Experimental Design, Electric Vehicle

Packer-backer91 was most successful at the building events placing in the top 5 at each state competition he participated in [2010-2006]. He was known for putting in countless hours practicing in SO averaging more than 14 hours a week. Was an alternate his first year [2005] a fact that remained with him for the remainder of this career. Building upon this experience serving as motivation to succeed in the future years in his events.


It is his intensions to help other students in SO in the years to come.

2010 Experimental Design - helped coach Middle School team in the event
2011 Mouse Trap Vehicle - helped old high school to a 6th place in the event at State competition