Was a varsity team member at Camas High School from 2015 to 2018. Now currently pursuing a degree in Petroleum Engineering with a minor in Geology.
== 2015 State ==
7th Entomology 10th Fossils 3rd Scrambler
== 2016 State ==
6th Air Trajectory 1st Fossils 4th Robot Arm
== 2017 State ==
1st Rocks and Minerals 8th Robot Arm 8th Electric Vehicle
== 2018 ==
~Golden Gate~ 20th Rocks and Minerals 3rd Mission Possible 6th Herpetology
~Princeton~ 5th Rocks and Minerals 2nd Mission Possible 1st Herpetology
~State~ 2nd Rocks and Minerals 1st Mission Possible 2nd Herpetology
~Nationals~ 28th Rocks and Minerals 7th Mission Possible 16th Herpetology