User:John Richardsim/Invasives Gallery

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Here is where I will be dumping pictures I took of invasive species (for the event Invasive Species, y'know?). All of these were taken with my phone, so most will be a bit blurry/out of focus.

If you have any questions (or if you think I've identified something incorrectly), feel free to shoot me a PM on the forums, or leave something on the Talk Page for this page.

Note: I am rearranging this page to be more of just a list of links to the pictures. Formatting and all that jazz can be kind of...painful.


Emerald Ash Borer

Sign on a fallen trap tree

European Gypsy Moth

Dead caterpillar

Aquatic Animals

Quagga/Zebra Mussel

Zebra and Quagga Mussel

Rusty Crayfish

Rusty Crayfish
Rusty Crayfish 2


Autumn Olive

Autumn Olive
Autumn Olive 2
Autumn Olive 3
Autumn Olive 4
Autumn Olive 5
Autumn Olive 6
Autumn Olive 7
Autumn Olive 8
Autumn Olive 9

Canada Thistle

Canada Thistle
Canada Thistle 2
Canada Thistle 3
Canada Thistle 4

Common Buckthorn

Common Buckthorn
Common Buckthorn 2
Common Buckthorn 3
Common Buckthorn 4
Common Buckthorn 5
Common Buckthorn 6
Common Buckthorn 7
Common Buckthorn 8

Downy Brome

Downy Brome
Downy Brome 2
Downy Brome 3
Downy Brome 4

Fig Buttercup

Fig Buttercup
Fig Buttercup 2

Garlic Mustard

Garlic Mustard
Garlic Mustard 2
Garlic Mustard 3
Garlic Mustard 4
Garlic Mustard 5
Garlic Mustard 6
Garlic Mustard 7
Garlic Mustard 8
Garlic Mustard 9
Garlic Mustard 10
Garlic Mustard 11
Garlic Mustard 12
Garlic Mustard 13
Garlic Mustard 14
Garlic Mustard 15
Garlic Mustard 16

Japanese Honeysuckle

Japanese Honeysuckle

Japanese Spiraea

Japanese Spiraea
Japanese Spiraea 2
Japanese Spiraea 3

Multiflora Rose

Multiflora Rose

St. Johnswort

St. Johnswort
St. Johnswort 2
St. Johnswort 3
St. Johnswort 4
St. Johnswort 5
St. Johnswort 6
St. Johnswort 7

Spotted Knapweed

Spotted Knapweed
Spotted Knapweed 2
Spotted Knapweed 3
Spotted Knapweed 4
Spotted Knapweed 5
Spotted Knapweed 6
Spotted Knapweed 7

Yellow Toadflax

Yellow Toadflax
Yellow Toadflax 2
Yellow Toadflax 3
Yellow Toadflax 4
Yellow Toadflax 5

Aquatic Plants

Common Reed

Common Reed
Common Reed 2
Common Reed 3

Curly Pondweed

Curly Pondweed
Curly Pondweed 2

Purple Loosestrife

Purple Loosestrife
Purple Loosestrife 2
Purple Loosestrife 3


Oak Wilt

Oak Wilt
Oak Wilt 2
Oak Wilt 3
Oak Wilt 4