HSCMOM is a middle aged woman with four homeschooled kiddos (classes of 2013, 2014, 2017, and 2019) in Homeschool Science Colorado. Ignoring her housekeeping duties of laundry and cooking, she coaches her kids and their teammates in learning about their SO subjects while her husband coaches several building events. In fact, her laundry basket holds WIDI supplies instead of the usual clothes waiting to be folded.
Her favorite event to coach is Picture This while she thinks the current Tech Problem Solving is difficult to coach.
Her favorite benefit of being involved in SO is meeting and working with the terrific kids and parents on the team.
The current family medal count (Summer 2014) is 116. Thank you, hard working offspring and especially the parents that have selflessly coached my kids along the way! We couldn't have done that without your help!