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2019- 6th Grade
Events Regionals
Boomilever 12th
Meteorology 8th
Road Scholar* 4th

*- filler

This was my first year of Science Olympiad, I only joined because all of my friends were joining. I was originally assigned to Boomilever and Meteorology. I didn't try in meteo at all, making only 1/2 a page of cheat sheets for the competition. I tried a lot in boomilever, but ours had a crack in it and broke right away when we put it on. I got assigned to road scholar a week before regionals, and despite neither me nor my partner being in it before, we managed to almost place!

2020-7th Grade
Events Boyceville Madison Regionals
Experimental Design - 12th Cancelled
Mission Possible - - Cancelled
Water Quality 14th 9th Cancelled

This year I didn't really try as hard as I should have. I was completely clueless in Mission Possible, but somewhat capable in my other 2 events. I tried the most in Water Quality, despite not doing that good in it. I was decent at Experimental Design, but I didn't really know what I was doing. Boo covid. 

2021-8th Grade
Events Boyceville Madison BirdSO Regionals States Lexington Nationals
Circuit Lab1 - - - - - - -
Digital Structures1 - - - - - - -
Food Science ? - 21st 2nd - - -
Meteorology2 - - - - 7th 25th 57th (lol)
Mission Possible1 - - - - - - -
Water Quality ? 14th 22nd 2nd 5th3 13th 57th (lol)4

1- Wasn't allowed to compete in

2- States/Nationals Filler

3- The Test was off topic

4- Filler Partner, because mine didn't show up

This year we got to go to a lot more Invitationals. I also somehow made it to state. At Regionals I got a double silver in my 2 main events but followed that up by not placing in either of my events at state (I blame the water quality test for this one.) Nationals was pretty fun, apart from my partner not showing up because he was at karate lessons. I definitely stepped it up this year but not by much.

2022-9th Grade
Events Boyceville Regionals Nationals
Bio-Process Lab - 3rd -
Bridge6 - - -
Disease Detectives 31st5 ? -
Dynamic Planet - 3rd -
Food Science6 - - -
Green Generation - 3rd -
Sounds of Music6 - - -
Botany - - 16th

5- All of my partners answers got deleted

6- Was too busy to compete in this year

Just me waiting for regional results to come out. 

2022-10th Grade

Events Regionals
Bridge 5th7
Codebusters 11th
Experimental Design 6th
Fermi Questions 7th

7 = I got tier 2'd, but would have one the regional if I didn't

So. My first year in Division C, and I decide to not do anything until a week before regionals. I prioritized sports and other clubs over scioly this year. In codebusters, we knew nothing and just hoped to make it out alive. In experimental we had a good idea, but we went to simple and could've included a lot more, leading us to leave the test area 20 minutes into the block. In Fermi we just guessed on everything and did alright. Bridge was the most suprising, as I held all the weight and would've taken first place if I hadn't barely been under 10 cm.

Event Rankings

  1. Water Quality
  2. Bridge
  3. Boomilever
  4. Experimental Design
  5. Disease Detectives
  6. Food Science
  7. Bio-Process Lab
  8. Meteorology- Severe Storms
  9. Dynamic Planet (Groundwater)
  10. Meteorology- Everyday Weather
  11. Codebusters
  12. Green Generation
  13. Road Scholar
  14. Fermi Questions