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The Assassination Games are a series of role-playing games that have taken place on since 2008. The first Assassinator, and founder of the game, was Skystrider. The games have been played somewhat regularly since the first one.

How It's Played

The Characters

Assassinator: The assassinator, commonly called "the sassy" or "assasstornado," is the host of the game. There is an account designated for this purpose which is passed from the one assassinator to the next. The assassinator's objective is to "kill" users without having their true identity discovered.

Officers: When a game starts, users can become an officer. Officers have the power to protect players from being killed and accuse the assassinator of his identity. There are typically five officers in a game.

Civilians: This is essentially everybody else. Civilians can help the officers solve the clues and discover the identity of the assassinator, but they have no power to protect or accuse.

The Dead: Typically, once killed, a user cannot post about the game. In some games they may not post in the game thread at all, though usually minimal posting is tolerated as long as they don't help the officers.

The Rules

Although the rules vary from game to game, they are based on a basic set of rules that have evolved as the games have been played. Occasionally an assassinator will introduce bold new rules or novel game styles, some of which worked and some of which didn't. A good portion of game-to-game modifications are special provisions unique to each game, while in some instances the entire system of roles, scoring, and more have been uprooted. The basic rules are as follows:

1. The officers will be the next five people who send correct answers to the clue. Put in a bit of thought before posting. If you have not been around for awhile, it is less likely that you will be able to identify me.
2. There will be no "informants", but civilians may post.
3. People will die. However, there are some exceptions. I will not kill administrators or moderators. In return, I ask that they not reveal my identity.
4. Officers may protect one person per clue.
5. Once an officer has made three incorrect accusations, they may not accuse or protect anyone.
6. The assassin will provide clues which plainly point to their next victim, and occasionally to theirself.
7. The assassin will continue to post with his true account, and may provide hints there.
8. When accusing someone of being Assassinator you must use the following template "I accuse (place name here) because (give reason here)." If you don't use this template when accusing the accusation won't count.
9. Once "killed" a user may not post about the identity of the assassinator.
10. Non officers may post.
11. Each clue will last 48 hours, after which the Assassinator will kill.
12. If the Assassinator does not reply in 7 days after all protects are made, each officer gets a free accusation. However that accusation must be made next time the user posts and cannot be stored as an extra one to use later.
13. Each officer begins with one accusation. You will earn an accusation with each correct protection.
14. The Assassinator wins after 15 incorrect accusations have been made, but the number needed to win goes down by one with each kill.
15. The Assassinator reserves the right to add to these rules as they deem necessary.


A new game starts when the assassinator starts a new thread with the number and title of the game. In the first post the assassinator will provide the rules and usually a short story or introduction to the game. Each game usually has a theme which has to do with the title and stories provided by the assassinator. Some games are heavily themed, whereas others, especially early games, had virtually no theme. The assassinator will also provide the opportunity for becoming an officer. Often this is an entry clue, which must be solved and the answer PM'd to the assassinator. Another common way is the assassinator will say, "The first five people to post in this thread will become an officer." Once all five officers have been selected the assassinator will provide the first clue and the game starts. Note that it is possible and actually rather common for the assassinator to be an officer through their true account.

The Clues

The assassinator will provide a clue that points to their next victim. These are commonly referred to as "Kill Clues." It is up to the officers to solve the clue and protect the assassinator's target. Anyone is welcome to help solve the clue, though only officers may protect. Once solved, clues will commonly refer to a user's name, school, avatar, previous posts, location, or signature. Popular types of clues include ciphers, word puzzles, dates, coordinates, hidden text, math, and pictures. Good clues will directly point to one user, though it is not uncommon to have vague or ambiguous clues which could point to multiple users. It is traditional and expected for the assassinator to only target active users that are or have previously been involved with the games. Note that the assassinator may target themselves. It is also expected that the assassinator will refrain from killing moderators or admins, though they are occasionally targeted. Officers may protect within the time limit given by the assassinator, usually 48 hours, after which any protects made will be ignored. After the time limit is up, or all the officers have made their protections the assassinator will post. If an officer protected correctly, then the target will not die and that officer will receive an accusation. If the target was not protected, then the assassinator will "kill" them. Then the assassinator will provide the next clue and it all starts again.


The main objective for the officers is to figure out who the assassinator actually is. The assassinator will provide "Identity Clues" which are usually very difficult to discern and sometimes aren't even used to discover who the assassinator is. Officers may use any tools and resources at their disposal to find out who the assassinator is. Once an officer thinks that they might know who the assassinator is, they may make an "Accusation" if they have one. If they are correct then they win the game. If not, then the game continues.


The officer or officers win when the assassinators identity is discovered and an officer correctly accuses them, or in the rare case that the assassinator quits or "kills" themselves. The assassinator wins when the kill/accusation countdown reaches zero, when all officers are dead, or when all possible accusations have been used. At the end of the game, the winning officer will choose the next assassinator and PM their pick to the assassinator. If the assassinator won, then they will pick the next assassinator. Then the account will be transferred and a new game will start.


# Title Assassinator Total Kills Officer Kills Clues Given Correct Accusing Officer Start Date End Date Duration Winner Notes
1 Mafia Reborn Skystrider 1 0 3 tehkubix 17 June 2008 27 June 2008 10 days Officers
2 The Return starpug 2 0 6 dudeincolorado 5 July 2008 16 July 2008 11 days Officers
3 The Grudge dudeincolorado 1 0 6 Pleiades 18 July 2008 31 July 2008 13 days Officers
4 The Killing Spree gneissisnice 1 0 6 tehkubix 3 August 2008 8 August 2008 5 days Officers
5 Assassinator's Revenge rocketman1555 3 0 5 starpug 15 August 2008 19 August 2008 4 days Officers
6 Camera Obscura SiegeLord 3 0 8 rocketman1555 20 August 2008 26 August 2008 7 days Officers
7 The Deal tehkubix 0 0 0 starpug 27 August 2008 27 August 2008 9 minutes Officers
8 Redemption starpug 4 3 9 tehkubix 31 August 2008 10 September 2008 10 days Officers starpug and tehkubix (later sachleen) caused controversy regarding cooperation.
9 The Reformation dudeincolorado 1 0 4 rocketman1555 19 September 2008 30 September 2008 11 days Officers starpug and tehkubix were banned indefinitely from Assassination 9 until Assassination 12.
10 The New Era robotman09 4 2 13 none 2 October 2008 29 October 2008 27 days Officers Assassinator committed "suicide"
11 Murder of the Minds gneissisnice 2 1 10 rocketman1555 29 October 2008 5 December 2008 7 days Officers
12 Reign of the Hunted ichaelm 0 0 9 starpug 7 December 2008 14 December 2008 7 days Officers The ban on starpug and tehkubix was revoked.
13 Hell is for Children Inuyashakusho (Deeisenberg) 0 0 2 robotman09 15 December 2008 16 December 2008 20 hours 21 minutes Officers
14 Murder from Behind genes_girl 0 0 5 Aia 16 December 2008 20 December 2008 4 days Officers
15 The Bloodiest Bedlam Aia 1 0 2 cooltiger 21 December 2008 26 December 2008 5 days Officers
16 The Agonizing Abyss eyeball138 3 1 12 rocketman1555 31 December 2008 12 January 2009 12 days Officers
17 The Painful Plateaus robotman09 6 3 (1 guessed out) 19 croman74 13 January 2009 1 February 2009 19 days Officers
18 The Great Fear Pleiades 2 0 10 starpug 2 February 2009 22 February 2009 20 days Officers
19 The Westley Wind starpug 0 0 (1 guessed out) 5 sweetcoop 24 February 2009 3 March 2009 7 days Officers
20 The Mobbing at Mosca sweetcoop 0 0 3 Pleiades 4 March 2009 5 March 2009 35 hours 45 minutes Officers
21 The Hotel Hell croman74 2 0 4 trajectoryroxs 6 March 2009 Officers
22 Periculosus Mors trajectoryroxs 0 0 6 cooltiger 9 March 2009 Officers
23 The Bloody Graveyard Jocool 0 0 3 croman74 10 March 2009 Officers
24 The Final Fall Cooltiger 0 0 1 eyeball138 10 March 2009 Officers
25 Death Incarnate rocketman1555 0 0 2 trajectoryroxs 12 March 2009 Officers
26 The Bloody Knife Thewho 1 0 5 JonnyC 3 April 2009 Officers
27 The Macabre Massacre EastStroudsburg13 1 0 3 trajectoryroxs 8 April 2009 Officers
28 Nightfall chia (gave up) 2 0 9 none 16 April 2009 Officers
29 Bloodbath of Betreyal X_SOninja_X 1 0 5 Gyourkoshaven 6 June 2009 Officers
30 Ashes to Ashes JonnyC 0 0 (1 guessed out) 4 haven chuck 2 July 2009 Officers
31 Guernica Inuyashakusho (Deeisenberg) 0 0 0 none 6 July 2009 Officers The Assassinator gave up
32 Death of the Innocents Inuyashakusho (Deeisenberg) 0 0 1 Starpug 7 July 2009 Officers
33 The Powerful Purge fmtiger124 0 0 1 eyeball138 7 July 2009 Officers
34 A Bit of Culture dudeincolorado 0 0 1 croman74 8 July 2009 Officers
35 The Time is Now fmtiger124 2 1 3 Pleiades 11 July 2009 Officers
36 The Forsaken Forum croman74 1 0 2 JonnyC 20 July 2009 Officers
37 Stairway to Death Pleaides 2 1 4 nejanimb 25 July 2009 Officers
38 Old-School Murder gyourkoshaven 2 0 5 robotman09 23 August 2009 Officers
39 Sepolcro di Dispiacere robotman09 and Deeisenberg 1 0 6 eyeball138 14 September 2009 Officers
40 Death on the High Seas starpug 0 0 6 rocketman1555 27 September 2009 Officers
41 Ezekiel 25:17 RandomPerson52 1 0 2 fmtiger124 4 October 2009 Officers
42 DON'T PANIC nejanimb 0 0 3 robotman09 4 October 2009 Officers
43 Revenge of the Fallen AlphaTauri 0 0 6 SOninja 9 October 2009 Officers
44 Rouge Assassin DarkSabre 2 0 (3 Guessed Out) 10 croman74 18 October 2009 Officers The Assassinator used a special set of rules involving 10 officers and each officer got a "co-accusation" and a normal accusation
45 The Poetic Assassin gneissisnice 0 0 5 AlphaTauri 2 November 2009 Officers
46 Ashen Cadavers X_SOninja_X 1 0 5 blue cobra 8 November 2009 Officers
47 Join the Dark Side blue cobra 1 0 6 none 21 November 2009 Officers The Assassinator committed "suicide"
48 Killing on the River sweetcoop 0 0 4 none 39 December 2009 Officers The Assassinator gave up
49 A Red Herring robodude 3 3 5 fmtiger124 10 February 2010 Officers
50 Scylla's Sceptre EastStroudsburg13, robotman09, Deeisenberg, starpug, fmtiger124, and DarkSabre 5 1 8 RandomPerson52 (Got majority of Accusations) 25 February 2010 Officers
51 Where No One Has Died Before zyzzyva98 3 2 4 winneratlife 14 April 2010 Officers
52 Checkmate robodude 3 1 7 fmtiger124 25 April 2010 Officers
53 The Wanderer amerikestrel 1 0 7 EastStroudsburg13 13 May 2010 Officers
54 The Untouchable paleonaps 1 1 (1 guessed out) 6 zyzzyva98 3 June 2010 Officers
55 The Cup of Death winneratlife 1 0 3 fmtiger124 21 June 2010 Officers
56 Mission Impossible Paradox21 5 1 (4 guessed out) 10 none 4 July 2010 Assassinator This was the first game won by an Assassinator.
57 Judgment Day IdahoSciGuy 3 3 8 robodude 4 August 2010 Officers
58 A Killing Carol robodude 1 1 3 Paradox21 22 August 2010 Officers
59 At The Bell's Chime robodude 0 0 4 fmtiger124 30 August 2010 Officers
60 The Lottery RandomPerson52 5 0 (1 guessed out) 10 AlphaTauri 14 September 2010 Officers
61 Murder Theater zyzzyva98 0 0 3 trajectoryroxs 17 October 2010 Officers
62 Game Over IdahoSciGuy 4 1 0 robodude 23 October 2010 Officers The Beans were spilled by trajectoryroxs
63 The Mob Seizes Power IdahoSciGuy & ??? zyzzyva98 1 November 2010 Officers The second Assassinator's identity was never revealed. A modified version of the rules were used, set up to be similar to traditional games of Mafia
64 The Hosts of History Arise kjhsscioly 4 1 9 ophiophagus 31 December 2010 Officers
65 The Psychopath Next Door quizbowl & paleonaps 3 2 6 winneratlife 28 March 2011 Officers
66 The Revival fmtiger124 1 0 8 brobo 3 April 2011 Officers
67 A Partisan Divide Kokonilly 0 0 1 winneratlife 10 April 2011 Officers
68 Heroes and Villains Kokonilly 0 0 2 Luo 10 April 2011 Officers
69 Rise of a Dynasty thewinner 1 1 6 winneratlife 12 April 2011 Officers
70 Rational Revenge aubrey048 0 0 1 Kokonilly 18 April 2011 Officers
71 Rise of the Unknown fmtiger124 1 1 3 zyzzyva98 19 April 2011 Officers
72 Pandora's Box ophiophagus 3 1 5 EpicFailOlympian 25 April 2011 Officers
73 Gunfight at the S.O. Corral zyzzyva98 3 2 (3 guessed out) 14 none 7 May 2011 Assassinator
74 Dead Island IdahoSciGuy 1 0 0 AlphaTauri 27 May 2011 Officers
75 The Point of No Return AlphaTauri 4 1 (1 guessed out) 12 harryk 14 June 2011 Officers
76 Blue Sands harryk 0 0 1 TheGenius 25 July 2011 Officers
77 Coup d'état paleonaps 3 0 10 fmtiger124 27 July 2011 Officers A modified set of rules were used where there were 10 officers, each with 3 accusations, and clues were given in bursts of five
78 Destiny Calls fmtiger124 1 1 4 RandomPerson 8 August 2011 Officers
79 Elementary My Dear Watson rocketman1555 9 5 9 none 12 August 2011 Assassinator
80 The Wretched Wraith -- 3 1 (4 guessed out) 4 none 31 August 2011 Assassinator
81 End of the World haverstall 11 3 (2 guessed out) 19 none 12 September 2011 Assassinator
82 The Great War paleonaps 3 0 8 Littleboy 24 November 2011 Officers
83 A Christmas Killing harryk 7 1 19 EASTstroudsburg13 24 December 2011 Officers
84 It's Fairy Tale Time Littleboy 0 0 3 foreverphysics 23 February 2012 Officers
85 A Simple Test TheGenius 7 2 16 harryk 20 March 2012 Officers
86 The Labyrinth City foreverphysics 12 3 17 none 26 April 2012 Assassinator
87 Crossfire AlphaTauri 3 1 13 twototwenty 24 June 2012 Officers
88 A Social Experiment Kokonilly 3 2 7 none 18 July 2012 Officers The Assassinator gave up
89 The Promise of Dying zyzzyva98 1 0 12 twototwenty 10 August 2012 Officers
90 The Theory Littleboy 5 1 13 mnstrviola 18 August 2012 Officers
91 The Epidemic aim4me26 0 0 5 twototwenty 11 September 2012 Officers
92 The Eleventh Hour TheGenius 1 0 3 foreverphysics 20 September 2012 Officers
93 S.S Scioly mnstrviola 7 7 fozendog 30 September 2012 Officers
94 Panem Chaos/The Lost Planet Littleboy 3 1 21 iwonder 9 October 2012 Officers
95 Wright State Gone Wrong iwonder 1 1 12 strawberrygirl 17 November 2012 Officers
96 Dear Diary Skink 0 0 0 Littleboy 2 December 2012 Officers
97 Gotta Catch 'Em All EpicFailOlympian 4 1 12 SilverNight 6 December 2012 Officers While SilverNight made the correct accusation, it was solved by Cedavis6
98 The Most Dangerous Game Cedavis6 1 0 6 none 26 December 2012 Officers The Assassinator gave up
99 The Event twototwenty 1 0 5 SilverNight 16 January 2013 Officers
100 Mafia Reborn zyzzyva98, EastStroudsburg13, and robotman(?) 4 2 10 Skink, aim4me26 26 January 2013 None The game ended due to general inactivity
101 The Rise fozendog 1 0 7 Liv 22 May 2013 Officers
102 Cerberus Unleashed Liv, quizbowl, and unknown 5 3 9 iwonder, thehydrogenpoptart 7 July 2013 Officers
103 Murder by Death TheGenius 6 1 (1 fired) 18 fozendog 28 July 2013 Officers
104 Cyborg Invasion mrburrito none 11 October 2013 None The game ended due to general inactivity
105 Jester's Revenge zyzzyva980 none 1 April 2015 Officers This game was an April Fools joke and not a legitimate game of Assasinator
105.5 Death by Death, A Bland Title UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F 4 1 7 none 5 April 2015 Officers The game ended due to general inactivity
106 Curtain Call Panda Weasley 9 0 13 dragon_fruit35 21 March 2016 Officers
107 The Unforgivable Curses dragon_fruit35, SOnerd, and JasperKota 7 5 18 Fluffy Crustacean 25 April 2016 Officers A modified set of rules was used which allowed for 7 officers and 21 accusations
108 At the World's Fair Fibonacci924 2 1 5 dragon_fruit35 14 June 2016 Officers
109 Another Wright State Gone Wrong Entomology 4 1 17 [NerdyTotoro] 1 July 2016 Officers
110 Rumble in Rio EastStroudsburg13 7 2 22 Fluffy Crustacean 5 August 2016 Officers
111 Third Down dragon_fruit35 11 5 17 azuritemalachite 23 September 2016 Officers
112 The Ides of March Fibonacci924 3 1 12 JasperKota 29 May 2017 Officers
113 Friday the 13th pikachu4919 8 2 (1 guessed out) 16 whythelongface 18 June 2017 Officers Up to 3 replacements of dead officers by civilians were allowed, given that the potential replacements solve the clues correctly. The Assassinator also redefined "guessing out" to mean running out of accusations rather than making three incorrect accusations.
114 The Amazing Race Death Edition lumosityfan 4 1 7 daydreamer0023 23 July 2017 Officers
115 Pictures at an Exhibition bernard 5 0 11 Alex-RCHS 14 August 2017 Officers
116 And Then There Were None whythelongface, NeilMehta 6 5 (2 guessed out, 2 were fired, 1 was an assassinator) 14 dxu46 7 October 2017 Officers The Assassinator committed "suicide"
117 Winter Olympics Froggie, knottingpurple 7 3 14 kate!, UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F 15 February 2018 Officers
118 New Life Tailsfan101 1 0 7 Name 26 March 2018 Officers
119 Shadow Of Death TheChiScientist 0 0 1 Anomaly 10 April 2018 Officers
120 World War III pb5754[] 2 1 7 Tailsfan101 16 April 2018 Officers TheChiScientist and Anomaly were co-conspirators, but not co-assassinators
121 Mystery Land John Richardsim 5 1 7 Anomaly 1 May 2018 Officers
122 The Most Magical Place on Earth (Not) eddpmett 4 1 7 none 13 May 2018 Assassinator
123 He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F 6 2 12 pb5754[] 24 June 2018 Officers
124 Fool's Gold dxu46 0 0 4 hippo9 20 August 2018 Officers
125 Mystery of the Tomb Anomaly 0 0 3 luanne 31 August 2018 Officers
126 The Phantom of the Opera luanne 1 1 5 linzhiyan 7 September 2018 Officers
127 From the Ashes I Have Risen Again (for the 127th time) Name 0 0 0 dxu46 17 September 2018 Officers
128 The Dark Abyss Name 1 1 10 linzhiyan 18 September 2018 Officers
129 A Forbidden Love yxu08 0 0 7 dxu46 9 October 2018 Officers
130 Spooky Szn linzhiyan 3 1 13 pb5754[] 23 October 2018 Officers
131 (Your Lives are in) Jeopardy! kate! 3 1 8 MadCow2357 5 December 2018 Officers
132 MH370 JoeyC 4 4 9 waffletree 26 December 2018 Officers
133 Zoo Escape waffletree 2 2 10 TheChiScientist 7 January 2019 Officers
134 Cyberstrike MadCow2357, dxu46 3 1 10 JoeyC 19 February 2019 Officers
135 A Series of Unfortunate Non-Harmless April Fool's Day Pranks pikachu4919 4 0 6 Here 1 April 2019 Officers
136 A SciOly Pandemic Tailsfan101 0 0 4 waffletree 1 May 2019 Officers
137 Checkmate lindsmaurer 3 1 12 DatSciolyBoi 13 May 2019 Officers
138 Tanks and Turrets TheCrazyChemist, DatSciolyBoi 3 3 11 amk578, CPScienceDude 22 June 2019 Officers
139 Summer Vacation CPScienceDude 3 1 6 TheCrazyChemist 17 July 2019 Officers
140 Walmart Hide-and-seek waffletree 2 1 5 amk578 9 August 2019 Officers
141 Backyard BBQ Mayhem Lumosityfan 2 1 3 sciolyperson1 22 August 2019 Officers
142 Town Of Sciolyville hmmm - - - TheMysteriousMapMan 1 September 2019 Officers
143 City Of SciOlypolis TheMysteriousMapMan - - - TheCrazyChemist 25 September 2019 Officers
144 Avalon MadCow2357 - - - none 23 October 2019 Assassinator
145 Deja Vu TheChiScientist - - - SilverBreeze 25 November 2019 Officers
146 A Superstore By Any Other Name LittleMissNyan 10 - 17 Torchic 12 February 2020 Officers There were no officers - anyone could protect, and a correct protection was rewarded with an accusation. When a user with accusations died, an extra 24 hours was given to finish solving the clue, and whoever solved it received the dead user's accusations.
147 Memopolis CPScienceDude, Madcow2357 8 (three died from inactivity) - 11 Tailsfan101 12 April 2020 Officers There were no officers, rather two teams who competed against each other using a system of points. The clues were also formatted into memes.
148 5361766520746865207369746521 pepperonipi 3 2 (1 revived, 1 'half-dead') 8 Torchic 2 June 2020 Officers A special provision was added shortly before the end of the game that killed officers were not entirely dead until the end of the next round. However, this would not be used as the Assassinator was correctly accused within hours. While Torchic was the accusing officer, the Assassinator's identity was determined by multiple people.
149 The Dark Knight Returns jaggie34 5 0 11 SilverBreeze 28 June 2020 Officers The game was limited to seven total accusations and seven deaths. Additionally, a rule was added allowing for a co-conspirator who would be chosen by solving a puzzle 2 clues into the game.
150 X BennytheJett 3 2 8 none 8 August 2020 4 September 2020 27 days Officers Officers were reduced to only two protections total (among all five officers) each round. Accusations required confirmation from a second officer. Officers could be replaced by any player, should an opening arrive. The Assassinator wins when 13 incorrect accusations are made. The Assassinator committed "suicide". Tailsfan101 was a co-conspirator.
151 █████████████ HugoTroop 6 + 2 (1 revived) 2 (1 revived) 15 Creationist127 6 September 2020 29 September 2020 23 days Officers Any dead players could be revived for two points, but without any of their points. Those who were incorrectly accused were also killed, with two deaths resulting. Points were transferrable at 1 point per round. Some rounds targeted multiple people. Rounds would end a day early if the clue was clearly solved by then.
152 Doofenshmirtz Evil, Incorporated! Creationist127 0 0 4 builderguy135 31 October 2020 10 November 2020 10 days Officers Players were allowed one ghost-post once killed which could contain anything, including clue solutions. The game ends when 10 users are killed, either by the Assassinator or incorrect accusations. Free accusations are given for five or more days of inactivity from the Assassinator, but must be used immediately.
153 Scythe imaditi, sneepity Fyren (for both) 11 November 2020 29 December 2020 54 days Officers There were six officers instead of five. There would be only 10 clues, with 3 days between each clue. The Assassinator would win if 10 rounds passed without a correct accusation. There was a long pause through much of December.
154 Music To My Ears Fyren 0 0 3 BennyTheJett 11 January 2021 20 January 2021 9 days Officers

Name Changes

tehkubix had his name changed to sachleen.
Inuyashakusho had his name changed to Deeisenberg.
trajectoryroxs had her name changed to Liv.
robodude had his name changed to brobo.
paleonaps95 had his name changed to paleonaps.
RandomPerson52 had his name changed to RandomPerson.
robotman09 had his name changed to robotman.
pb5754[] had his name changed to pb5754.