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Appleshake123 is the class of 2018 at Bayard Rustin High School.

Joining Science Olympiad at Stetson Middle in 2013, he has competed with them from 2013-2015 seasons. He participated at regional and state level competition for Stetson in the two years and returned as a freshman. He has also competed for Bayard Rustin Science Olympiad between 2015 and 2017 at the regionals and states in 2016 and at 2015 and 2016 national competition.

Events in order of Favourability

I love events not taught in the school curriculum. It allows you to research to gather a greater foundation and build from there. It's About Time and Shock Value are my favourite events. I wish I was a year older so I would not miss Circuit Lab in C division.

Division B

1. Shock Value: Circuits were so much fun! Electricity, magnetism, you name it. This was by far one of the most fun events in middle school.

2. Water Quality: Some good ol' water treatment and indicators to the state of water. Events like this not taught in school curriculum are my favourite.

3. Metric Mastery: A good break from tests along with the fun of estimation.

3.5 Picture This: This is a team building and communication event which I find really useful. It's also exhilirating as you are racing against a short time.

4. Air Trajectory: Long hours of testing pays off.

5. Glaciers

6. Road Scholar: There was many things to know and was a lot of insight and analyzing.

7. Crave the Wave: Although I loved It's About Time, Crave the Wave was not too interesting. It was just about waves, not additional stuff, at least not from the tests I had taken.

Division C

1. It's About Time: Besides the normal physics class knowledge in this event, I loved the broadness. Tests had anything regarding time from relativity to riddles. Being balanced in other fields of sciences along with history of anything brought a lot of enjoyment. Many good memories came with this event. The first clock we used was carried with a rod and a baggy-- what I would carry around the whole day. One notable memory was the Antonacci Sequence and the Austonian Series. The Antonacci Sequence is the number of flaws due to counting errors(undoubtedly the hardest part of math) or any other silly mistakes per competition in this event. Austonian Series is the sum of the Antonacci Sequence. Being theorized in the latter part of 2015 year(of 2016 season), the series equated to 17 +/-2 (Based on counting errors during the formation of the Antonacci Sequence). The Antonacci Sequence was a reminder to not be bad at counting, but to little prevalence. At MIT 2016, my partner and I got 0 on the clock portion because we can't count, but got 60-some points more than the B team on the test, yet still only placed 22nd(one more than them). Our clock is fine, just our counting was bad. We missed out on a great chance to medal if we counted properly. We also had a counting slip up at states due to a huge counting error resulting in 18th(despite 3rd at regionals). At nationals, we were so close to medalling, just shy of roughly 2 points, which was sadenning, but still okay with us nonetheless.

2. Dynamic Planet(Tectonics)/Geo Mapping: The two events are fairly similar. Studying geology came with a lot of research because of the lack of a foundation, but it is fun and challenging.

3. Fermi: A great event. It takes estimation to a whole new level. Being knowledgeable on a broad spectrum of item then estimating to the correct magnitude. No counting errors here :)

4. Remote Sensing: This event is really great. This event encompasses satellites, climate change, and orbit-related events along with some wave-related topics. Just the spectrum of things is great.

5. Hydrogeology: A funky event. It reminds me greatly of water quality with a mix of geology. What I dislike is the high variance of difficulty from competition to competition. Sometimes it would be a great test, but highly inconsistent

6. Astronomy: I love exoplanets and stellar evolution. Supernovas, not so much.

7. Optics: Although I adore It's About Time and Shock Value, optics holds little place in my heart. It's a physic event, but without the obscurity of Time and electricity and magnetism greatness.

8. Oceanography: Meh.

9.Green Generation: Just no.