Talk:Protein Modeling/CRISPR-Cas9
Protein Modeling/CRISPR heading change
Hello East,
I'm currently working on the Protein Modeling/CRISPR, I looked in the history, and it seems you changed the name from Protein Modeling/CRISPR Cas9 to what it is now. I did protein modeling this past year, and it's much more accurate to label it CRISPR-Cas9, because the two go hand and hand. It is simply impossible to talk about them separately. At the same time, they are NOT the same things and have to be mentioned separately. I can't seem to change the header, and was wondering if you can?
- AlfWeg 8/1/2019 4:45PM
I would support a name change that includes a hyphen. I believe moving pages is open to regular users, but I can make that change. EastStroudsburg13 (talk) 13:52, 2 August 2019 (UTC)