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Main article: Ornithology

Galliformes are commonly known as landfowl or gamefowl, as many of these birds are ground-feeding and frequently hunted. Most species are polygymous or polygynous, which results in sexual dimorphism. Nests are generally built on the ground and many eggs are laid. The young are precocial.

Partridges, Grouse, Turkeys, and Old World Quail (Phasianidae)

Phasianidae is a family which includes terrestrial birds such as pheasants, grouse, and turkeys. Members of this family are generally plump with strong legs and short, broad wings. Generally males are larger than females.

Ring-necked Pheasant
Species Phasianus colchicus
Habitat Fields
Diet Seeds, grass, insects
Status iucn3.1 LC.svg
Least concern
Ruffed Grouse
Ruffed grouse.jpg
Species Bonasa umbellus
Habitat Woodlands
Diet Fruits, trees, shrubs
Call Link
Status iucn3.1 LC.svg
Least concern
Wild Turkey
Wild Turkey.jpg
Species Meleagris gallopavo
Habitat Woodlands
Diet Fruits, seeds, insects
Status iucn3.1 LC.svg
Least concern

New World Quail (Odontophoridae)

Odontophoridae is a family which includes Quail and Bobwhites. Through convergent evolution, New World Quail look similar to Old World Quail, however they are only distantly related.

Northern Bobwhite
Species Colinus virginianus
Habitat Grasslands
Diet Plants, seeds
Call Link
Status iucn3.1 NT.svg
Near threatened

Previous Birds
Greater Prairie-Chicken
Greater prairie chicken.jpg
Species Tympanuchus cupido
Habitat Tall grasslands, mixed grasslands, fields
Diet Fruits, seeds, insects
Call Link
Status iucn3.1 NT.svg