North Dakota

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North Dakota
Flag of North Dakota.svg
State flag
General Information
Total teams 80 (Increase 11.11% 2021 to 2022)
Division B Champion Wachter Middle School
Division C Champion Century High School
State Tournament Location North Dakota State University


Past State Champions

Note that North Dakota divides its teams into two "classes" - Class A (large schools) and Class B (small schools). In the event that North Dakota sends more than one team per division to the National Tournament, one team must be from Class A and one must be from Class B. Therefore, the teams listed as "runner-up" in this table did not necessarily receive 2nd place at the state tournament; they were the highest-placing team in their class and thus qualified for Nationals under the North Dakota state policy. If North Dakota was not awarded a second nationals spot in any given year, the "runner-up" listed in the table below for that year is the "true" overall 2nd place winner. Visit this site for a history of North Dakota Science Olympiad results.

Season Division B Division C
Champion Runner-Up Third Place Champion Runner-Up Third Place
Team Nats Place Team Nats Place Team Team Nats Place Team Nats Place Team
1985 Valley City Junior High School 12th Wahpeton Central Middle School 17th Shanley High School 26th N/A
1986 Valley City Junior High School Wahpeton Central Middle School Valley City High School 27th Moorhead High School N/A
1987 Valley City Junior High School 19th Fargo South High School 29th
1988 Jamestown Middle School 30th Valley City Junior High School 27th Valley City High School 28th
1989 Jamestown Middle School 20th Agassiz Middle School 28th Fargo South High School 27th Valley City High School 35th
1990 Jamestown Middle School 30th Valley City Junior High School N/A Fargo South High School 13th Valley City High School N/A
1991 Valley City Junior High School 38th Jamestown Middle School N/A Fargo North High School 21st N/A
1992 Valley City Junior High School 11th Jamestown Middle School N/A Fargo South High School 33rd N/A
1993 Jamestown Middle School 34th Valley City Junior High School N/A Central Campus High School 40th Jamestown High School N/A
1994 Jamestown Middle School 43rd Pingree-Buchanan Middle School 51st Valley City High School 34th Fargo North High School N/A
1995 Jamestown Middle School 44th Valley City Junior High School N/A Valley City High School 32nd Fargo North High School N/A
1996 Jamestown Middle School 38th Valley City Junior High School N/A Valley City High School 41st Jamestown High School N/A
1997 Jamestown Middle School 38th Valley City Junior High School N/A Valley City High School 48th Jamestown High School N/A
1998 Jamestown Middle School 20th Valley City Junior High School N/A Jamestown High School 37th Bottineau High School 54th
1999 Jamestown Middle School 30th Valley City Junior High School N/A Jamestown High School 35th Valley City High School N/A
2000 Jamestown Middle School 47th Valley City Junior High School N/A Valley City High School 48th Jamestown High School N/A
2001 Jamestown Middle School 41st Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers N/A Jamestown High School 37th Valley City High School N/A
2002 Valley City Junior High School 40th Jamestown Middle School 41st Jamestown High School 47th Valley City High School 51st
2003 Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers 46th Jamestown Middle School N/A Jamestown High School 42nd Bottineau High School 51st
2004 Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers 44th Bottineau Middle School 47th Jamestown High School 41st Bottineau High School 52nd
2005 Bottineau Middle School 52nd Valley City Junior High School 51st Jamestown High School 49th Bottineau Senior High School 59th
2006 Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers 40th Valley City Junior High School 56th Jamestown High School 46th Central Dakota Home School 49th
2007 Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers 41st Bottineau Middle School 59th Jamestown High School 46th Langdon Area High School 56th
2008 Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers 46th Carrington Middle School 55th Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers 52nd Bottineau Senior High School 55th
2009 Carrington Middle School 53rd Jim Hill Middle School 55th Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers 40th Maple Valley High School 54th
2010 Wachter Middle School 53rd Carrington Middle School 56th Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers 41st Maple Valley High School 59th
2011 Wachter Middle School 46th Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers N/A Bismarck High School 57th Bowman County High School 59th
2012 Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers 45th Wachter Middle School N/A Bismarck High School 57th Bowman County High School N/A
2013 Wachter Middle School 44th Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers N/A Bismarck High School 46th Century High School N/A
2014 Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers 50th Wachter Middle School N/A Bismarck High School 46th Davies High School N/A
2015 Wachter Middle School 49th Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers N/A Bismarck High School 42nd Davies High School N/A
2016 Wachter Middle School 48th Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers N/A Bismarck High School 51st Dickinson High School N/A
2017 Wachter Middle School 47th Bismarck Mandan Area Home Schoolers N/A Bismarck High School 52nd Century High School N/A
2018 Wachter Middle School 44th Horizon Middle School N/A Bismarck High School 48th Century High School N/A
2019 Wachter Middle School 43rd Horizon Middle School N/A Legacy High School 47th Century High School N/A
2020 Cancelled due to the 2019-20 Coronavirus outbreak
2021 Wachter Middle School 53rd N/A Legacy High School 51st N/A
2022 Wachter Middle School 41st N/A Century High School 39th N/A


Bismarck RegionalRegionalTBDB/CTBD
Bottineau RegionalRegionalTBDB/CTBD
Dickinson RegionalRegional2021-3-(10-11)B/CTBD
Minot RegionalRegionalTBDB/CTBD
Valley City RegionalRegional2021-3-(23-25)B/CTBD
2021 North Dakota State TournamentState2021-4-(21-23)B/CTBD

State Qualifiers



Division B
Division C


Division B

Belfield Public School
Ben Franklin Middle School
Bismarck Mandan Area Home Educators
Bottineau Middle School
Bowman County School
Carrington Middle School
Drake/Anamoose School
Erik Ramstad Middle School
Hazen High School
Hettinger Public School
Hillsboro Public School
Horizon Middle School
Jamestown Middle School
Jim Hill Middle School
Kenmare Public School
Langdon Area Middle School
Maple Valley Public School
Mohall Lansford Sherwood School
Nedrose School
Simle Middle School
Trinity High School
Valley City Junior High School
Velva Public School
Wachter Middle School

Division C

Belfield Public School
Bismarck High School
Bismarck Mandan Area Home Educators
Bottineau Senior High School
Bowman County School
Carrington High School
Central Cass High School
Century High School
Dickinson High School
Fargo South High School
Hazen High School
Hettinger Public School
Jamestown High School
Langdon Area High School
Maple Valley Public School
Minot High School - Central Campus
Minot High School - Magic City Campus
Mohall Lansford Sherwood School
Rolla High School
Rugby High School
Scranton Public School
TGU Granville High School
Valley City High School
Velva Public School

External Links