We will have a scioly.org meet-up at the State competition, but we will not begin planning this until after the Regional competitions are over (those dates are later in this post).
The Forestry Illinois reduced tree list can be found here and will be used for invitational and Regional tournaments. Do NOT study from the National list until the State competition.
Event conflicts for competitions in Illinois can be found in the blocks below. Note that some Regional competitions already have their tentative schedules uploaded.

If you have a question about anything, check the FAQs first, then post here. The others and I are more than happy to help you.
Tournament Dates 2012-2013 *as of 11/19
[u]Invitationals[/u] November 17, [url=http://www.phs.d211.org/science/cgarrison/TourneyRegistration.htm]Palatine[/url] [b]C[/b] [b]*past[/b] December 8, Hinsdale [b]C[/b] January 12, [url=http://illinoisolympiad.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=141:2012-2013-invites-c-rockford-auburn-hs-1122013]Rockford Auburn[/url] [b]C[/b] January 12, [url=http://illinoisolympiad.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=145:2012-2013-invites-b-south-middle-school-1-12-2013]South[/url] [b]B[/b] January 19, Lane Tech [b]BC[/b] (CPS) January 19, [url=http://illinoisolympiad.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=140:2012-2013-invites-b-rockford-christian-1192013]Rockford Christian[/url] [b]B[/b] January 26, Crystal Lake Central (CLC) [b]C[/b] January 26, [url=http://www.illinoisolympiad.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=138:2012-2013-invites-c-libertyville-hs-1262013]Libertyville[/url][b]C[/b] [b]*closed[/b] January 26, [url=http://www.illinoisolympiad.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=139:2012-2013-invites-b-lisle-jhs-1262013]Lisle[/url] [b]B[/b] [b]*closed[/b] February 2, [url=http://illinoisolympiad.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=146:2012-2013-invites-b-grayslake-middle-school-2-2-2013]Grayslake[/url] [b]B[/b] February 9, Loyola [b]C[/b] [u]Regional Competitions[/u] February 9, Western Illinois University (WIU) February 16, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) March 2, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) March 2, Malcolm X (CPS) March 9, Parkland College March 9, College of Lake Country (CLC) March 9, College of DuPage ([url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/db/Modern_Warfare_2_cover.PNG/256px-Modern_Warfare_2_cover.PNG]COD[/url]) March 16, Oakton Community College March 16, Rock Valley College [u]Illinois Science Olympiad State Tournament[/u] April 20, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) [u]National Tournament[/u] May 17-18, Wright State University (Ohio) *Discuss Nationals [url=http://scioly.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=150&t=3740]here[/url].
[b]Q: How did the [insert school here] team do last year?[/b] A: At what tournament? Regional results are currently unavailable online, so ask about it in case someone was there. For State tournament results, download [url=http://www.illinoisolympiad.org/iso/2011-2012/state/2012.medal.winners.docx]this[/url] file. [b]Q: Where are the rules clarifications posted?[/b] A: Nationally, they are found [url=http://soinc.org/official_rules_clarif]here[/url] and [url=http://soinc.org/frequently_asked_questions]here[/url]. For Illinois-specific clarifications, this answer will be updated at that time, and you will be notified by a post in this topic. [b]Q: Where can I find raw scores?[/b] A: Illinois Science Olympiad policy prohibits raw scores to be posted online; however, you can occasionally find public rankings on [url=http://avogadro.ws/hosted.php]Avogadro[/url]. [b]Q: How do Illinois teams do nationally?[/b] A: Illinois teams do very well. In the 2012 season, the National qualifiers performed as follows: B Divison: Marie Murphy (2nd Overall), Daniel Wright (6th Overall) C Division: New Trier Winnetka (5th Overall), Adlai E. Stevenson (17th Overall) [b]Q: Help! I have a question that isn't answered here.[/b] A: Post in this topic asking your question. Either someone here will help you, or we will try to point you in the right direction for whom can.