nomynameisnotkevin wrote:Does anyone know which invitationals are tougher/easier? can't exactly predict, as mrsteven said, but do know that some invites tend to have the same teams come repeatedly every year (ie if they're established ones). However, checking the first post, you will find there are a ton of C invites now, so I would expect (and this is pure conjecture) that teams will spread out a little more lessening the competition across the board. The alternate possibility is that teams go to more invitationals, but I'm a bit doubtful there.
mrsteven wrote:Where is Waubonsie Valley near? Can't say I can pin point that one
Five bucks says it's by Metea Valley...there's a string of Valley high schools in some area.
mrsteven wrote:Wouldn't want to perform but I could get someone else to do that if I were to have made the instruments.
You're not a musician? Isn't your avatar a clef?
mrsteven wrote:Stink
This is a S
This is a S
It's a crummy username, yes, but it's what I'm stuck with. I thought it was a good idea in '09...and, by the way, that's actually a really cute book, the I Stink one.
chia wrote:Technically you're north of Naperville somewhere, what with that comment about us being "down south" or whatever it was in last year's thread

What comment? That post doesn't exist

EDIT: random thought...what's preenting me from making the discussion topics for every other state? I mean, there's no written rule that you HAVE to be associated with that state, right?