Recently I have began working with Bernard on bringing back the Team of the Week, and I am here to announce its return! Team of the Week is a fun way for people to get to know some other teams around the nation as well as a fun way to give your team some publicity. Team of the Week is open to both divisions, B and C. If you would like to see your team make an appearance on the Team of the Week thread (which will be continued right here), please fill out the form attached to the bottom of this post! Additionally, I will add the teams to the Team of the Week Wikipage. The first team will be chosen and published this Saturday. If you have any questions or comments about anything, feel free to PM me or find me on the Scioly Discord (BennyTheJett1#3979).
Just so you all are aware, I will post the responses you send in the google form in a similar fashion to how you'd hear a news interview, much like the example below:
Question: What school are you nominating?
Answer: Dank Memes Area Homeschool
Link to the Google Form:
Link to Team of the Week Wikipage: ... f_the_Week
- I've had some people contact me about whether or not they have to be a current member of the team they're nominating. While I don't have a problem with alumni nominating their former schools, if you're going to nominate a school you've never attended, please check with me first.