This event will be run very similarly to last year’s. You submit a resource, listed below, for one of the events scheduled for the 2015-2016 season. Once it is approved by an SSSS moderator, you gain access to all other resources submitted to SSSS! The resources are yours to use, but we ask that they are not shared with other people (including teammates) not in SSSS. Around August, when SSSS ends, these resources are uploaded to the wiki, test exchange, and image gallery. Builds are accepted.
Over eighty submissions were made to SSSS last year; let’s see if we can beat that this year! The Science Olympiad Study Session is a great way to get a head start towards the next season and explore the new events as well as brush up on ones continuing their rotation.
Interested? Here are the logistics of participating in SSSS in detail:
1. Make a forum account if you don’t have one yet. Due to logistical reasons we can only add users who are members of
2.There are multiple ways to get involved.
- You can make a test and answer key. This must be tournament quality and length.
- You may submit notes for an event scheduled for 2015. The notes must be similarly extensive and at least 7,500 words long.
- You may submit a set of images AND build plans for build events. There must be at least 3 images. They can be CAD or actual images.
- You may submit a building guide for build events, like Aia’s Boomilever Guide. Guides must be a minimum of 1,000 words and include diagrams and clear, concise instructions. Tips are good as well.
For a list of events, please see this document.
3. Check the Test Exchange to find examples of tests that have been submitted by other users in the past. Many of the tests titled “[Username]’s [Event Name] Practice Test 2015 are ones that were submitted to last year’s SSSS.
4.You email your resource to The email should be titled [Your username]’s [Name of Event] [Type of Resource: test, notes, plans, or guide]. For example, “Mnstrviola’s Experimental Design Test”. The file(s) should be attached to the email, preferably in PDF format.
5.The moderators will look over the resource. If they are approved, you will be added under the SSSS usergroup. We will reply to the email with instructions on accessing the SSSS forums and database. If they are not approved, we will reply to the email with suggestions on issues and/or improvement. You should be contacted in under 3 days, 5 tops! If not, please contact us further. When responding to an email, please click REPLY TO ALL.
6. Once accepted, you can then access the files through on your logged-in account.
SSSS will end sometime in August. All resources will all be added to the wiki and Test Exchange unless the user requests otherwise. You MUST tell us beforehand if you do not wish to have your notes and/or tests uploaded publicly.
For a list of events, please see this document.
Have any questions or comments? You can respond to this post, private message mnstrviola or foreverphysics, email foreverphysics at, or email the mods at
Note: The SSSS is not a tournament. It is not meant to be a competitive event, but an unofficial study event to practice for the upcoming Science Olympiad season.