1. Identify Phylum, Subphylum, Class, Order, and Genus.
2. Meaning of name
3. Temporal Range
4. What is significant about this genus?
5. Who discovered this genus? Where? When? What specific part of the specimen was discovered?
6. Name two other specimens that are on the 2016 fossils list that are commonly associated with this genus.
7. The Order which this specimen belongs to is part of a cladistically defined group. How is this group described with respect to "closeness" to other groups (i.e. relatives).
8. TRUE or FALSE: This specimen had external gills.
9. How many digits did this specimen have?
10. Was this specimen more suited to swimming, walking, running, trotting, or flying?
11. With respect to the anatomy of the eye, this genus is similar to which other two specimens on the 2016 Fossils List?
12. What is the physiology of the structure from 11?
BONUS!!!!!--What is the full name of the holotype of this genus? (Give both genus and species)
Re: Fossils B/C
Posted: September 17th, 2015, 3:27 pm
by Unome
The image doesn't show up for me, but I can reasonably guess by the questions that it's either Eryops, Diplocaulus, or Acanthostega (unfortunately, I don't know enough about those two to answer the rest of the questions).
Re: Fossils B/C
Posted: September 17th, 2015, 3:31 pm
by varunscs11
Lol sorry. Been a long time since I posted on the forums. But I fixed it now