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Who's Going to Nationals?

Posted: April 6th, 2015, 5:57 pm
by John Richardsim
Ah, I guess now that it's already April, it's time for the classic thread.

A list of people going to Nationals, what school and state they're from, and events. I will edit this post to reflect the changes.
If you would like to be included or removed from the list, just post in this topic.
People are listed by state (alphabetical). Usernames are in bold. School and state are in italics. Events are normal font.

Division B
sciolyboy123 (Auburn Junior High School, Alabama): Bio-Process Lab, Disease Detectives, Picture This.
awesome90220 (Auburn Junior High School, Alabama): Crave the Wave, Experimental Design, Meteorology, Picture This, Road Scholar.
ptabraham_nerd01 (Auburn Junior High School, Alabama): Anatomy and Physiology, Experimental Design, Road Scholar.
Unome (Fulton Science Academy, Georgia): Anatomy and Physiology, Bio-Process Lab, Fossils, Meteorology, Simple Machines.
Jaol (Fulton Science Academy, Georgia): Geocaching.
RontgensWallaby (Dodgen Middle School, Georgia): Crave the Wave, Entomology, Simple Machines, Wheeled Vehicle.
azuritemalachite (Dodgen Middle School, Georgia): Dynamic Planet, Fossils, Write It Do It.
JoJoKeKe (St. Joseph's Catholic School, Idaho): Disease Detectives, Fossils, Green Generation, Simple Machines.
seasalt_ (Ames Middle School, Iowa): Meteorology, Picture This, Robo-Cross.
John Richardsim (Lakeshore Middle School, Michigan): Anatomy and Physiology, Bio-Process Lab, Crave the Wave, Disease Detectives, Meteorology, Simple Machines, Solar System.
trentomology1999 (Lakeshore Middle School, Michigan): Dynamic Planet, Entomology, Experimental Design, Fossils, Green Generation, Meteorology.
RoboRon (Lakeshore Middle School, Michigan): SumoBots.
Fibonacci924 (Chippewa Middle School, Minnesota): ?
SpamMer101 (Ladue Middle School, Missouri): Bio-Process Lab, Crime Busters, Experimental Design, Picture This.
[aditi] (Springhouse Middle School, Pennsylvania): Bio-Process Lab, Bridge Building, Picture This, Write It Do It.
schist99centz (Shady Side Academy, Pennsylvania): Experimental Design, Fossils, Green Generation, Robo-Cross.

Division C
Paleofreakazoid (Mira Loma High School, California): Fossils, Geologic Mapping, Mission Possible.
balsa (Troy High School, California): Entomology, Geologic Mapping, Protein Modeling.
boomvroomshroom (Troy High School, California): Astronomy, Forensics, Fossils, Geologic Mapping.
CulturallyScientific (Troy High School, California): Bungee Drop, Green Generation.
BuildistFromTheNorth (Mira Loma High School, California): Air Trajectory, Bungee Drop, Scrambler.
DoctaDave (Mira Loma High School, California): Bridge Building, Wright Stuff.
liberalartslover (Mira Loma High School, California): Dynamic Planet, Geologic Mapping.
plaid suit guy2 (Poudre High School, Colorado): Air Trajectory, Compound Machines, It's About Time, Mission Possible, Technical Problem Solving, Wright Stuff.
Crazy Puny Man (Munster High School, Indiana): Anatomy and Physiology, Astronomy, Chem Lab, Dynamic Planet, Technical Problem Solving.
InfiniCuber (Munster High School, Indiana): Geologic Mapping, Scrambler, Wright Stuff.
+_+ (Russell Independent High School, Kentucky): Game On, It's About Time, Mission Possible, Scrambler, Wright Stuff, Write It Do It.
A Person (Russell Independent High School, Kentucky): Bridge Building, Mission Possible, Scrambler.
joshxiong (Acton-Boxborough Regional High School, Massachusetts): Chemistry Lab, Compound Machines, It's About Time, Technical Problem Solving.
blakinator8 (Liberal Arts and Science Academy, Texas): Air Trajectory, Geologic Mapping, Mission Possible.
jkang (Liberal Arts and Science Academy, Texas): Chem Lab, Compound Machines, Experimental Design, It's About Time, Technical Problem Solving.
varunscs11 (Liberal Arts and Science Academy, Texas): Fossils, Green Generation.
UnprunedShrub (Liberal Arts and Science Academy, Texas): Astronomy, Bridge Building, Dynamic Planet, Wright Stuff.
ptkid (Seven Lakes High School, Texas): Disease Detectives, Entomology, Water Quality.
fozendog (Camas High School, Washington): Cell Biology, Disease Detectives, Dynamic Planet, Protein Modeling.
chozillla (Camas High School, Washington): Anatomy and Physiology, Protein Modeling.

samlan16: A coach for Fulton Science Academy.
Penthesilea: A coach for Hamilton Middle School.

Re: Who's Going to Nationals?

Posted: April 6th, 2015, 7:21 pm
by Crazy Puny Man
John Richardsim wrote:Ah, I guess now that it's already April, it's time for the classic thread.

A list of people going to Nationals, what school and state they're from, and events. I will edit this post to reflect the changes.
If you would like to be included or removed from the list, just post in this topic
People are listed by state (alphabetical). Usernames are in bold. School and state are in italics. Events are normal font.
I guess I am first? Here goes nothing.

Munster HS, IN; competing in Anatomy & Physiology, Astronomy, Chemistry Lab, Dynamic Planet, and TPS.

Best of luck to all! :)

Re: Who's Going to Nationals?

Posted: April 6th, 2015, 10:37 pm
by balsa
woot! Troy HS, doing protein modeling, geologic mapping, and entomology. We should totally organize a meetup at nationals!

Re: Who's Going to Nationals?

Posted: April 7th, 2015, 6:36 am
by InfiniCuber
:D Munster High School in Indiana, competing in Scrambler, Geologic Mapping, and Wright Stuff!

Re: Who's Going to Nationals?

Posted: April 7th, 2015, 9:33 am
by Verdigris
I'm not but I'm curious to see who is.

Re: Who's Going to Nationals?

Posted: April 7th, 2015, 10:04 am
by Unome
I finally am.
With Fulton Science Academy (GA), doing Bio-Process Lab, Anatomy, Fossils, Simple Machines, and Meteorology.

Re: Who's Going to Nationals?

Posted: April 7th, 2015, 11:55 am
by samlan16
I'm going with Fulton Science Academy as a coach.

Re: Who's Going to Nationals?

Posted: April 14th, 2015, 5:39 pm
by boomvroomshroom
Thought I'd make a list of the schools going to Nats so far, too (for anyone who's interested).
Will be updated periodically.
This is just Division C. I might make a Division B list too if no one else gets to it first.

AL - Auburn
AK - Mat-Su Career and Technical
AZ - University
AR - ???
CA - Troy / ???
CO - ???
CT - Hopkins
DE - ???
FL - Boca Raton / Archimedean Upper Conservatory
GA - Brookwood / Chattahoochee
HI - ???
ID - ???
IL - ??? / ???
IN - Munster
IA - ???
KS - Olathe North
KY - ???
LA - ???
ME - ???
MD - Pilgrimage
MA - Acton-Boxborough
MI - ??? / ???
MN - Mounds View
MS - ???
MO - ??? / ???
MT - Fergus
NE - ???
NV - Ed W. Clark
NH - Merrimack
NJ - West-Windsor Plainsboro North
NM - Albuquerque Academy
NY - Columbia / Fayetteville-Manlius
NC - ??? / ???
ND - ???
OH - Centerville / Mentor
OK - Cassady Upper
OR - ???
PA - ??? / ???
RI - ???
SC - Academic Magnet
SD - Yankton
TN - ???
TX - ??? / ???
UT - ???
VT - ???
VA - Langley
WA - ???
WV - Huntington Highlander
WI - Menomonie
WY - ???

Re: Who's Going to Nationals?

Posted: April 14th, 2015, 6:10 pm
by John Richardsim
boomvroomshroom wrote:Thought I'd make a list of the schools going to Nats so far, too (for anyone who's interested).
Will be updated periodically.
This is just Division C. I might make a Division B list too if no one else gets to it first.

AL - Auburn
AK - Mat-Su Career and Technical
AZ - University
AR - ???
CA - Troy / ???
CO - ???
CT - Hopkins
DE - ???
FL - Boca Raton / Archimedean Upper Conservatory
GA - Brookwood / Chattahoochee
HI - ???
ID - ???
IL - ??? / ???
IN - Munster
IA - ???
KS - Olathe North
KY - ???
LA - ???
ME - ???
MD - Pilgrimage
MA - Acton-Boxborough
MI - ??? / ???
MN - Mounds View
MS - ???
MO - ??? / ???
MT - Fergus
NE - ???
NV - Ed W. Clark
NH - Merrimack
NJ - West-Windsor Plainsboro North
NM - Albuquerque Academy
NY - Columbia / Fayetteville-Manlius
NC - ??? / ???
ND - ???
OH - Centerville / Mentor
OK - Cassady Upper
OR - ???
PA - ??? / ???
RI - ???
SC - Academic Magnet
SD - Yankton
TN - ???
TX - ??? / ???
UT - ???
VT - ???
VA - Langley
WA - ???
WV - Huntington Highlander
WI - Menomonie
WY - ???
-Drop. The. Wiki.- ... raska_2015

Re: Who's Going to Nationals?

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 3:02 pm
by Fibonacci924
Chippewa Middle School in MN.