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Minnesota 2014

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 9:07 pm
by sercle
Discussion for Minnesota's 2013-14 season.
State website:

Boyceville Invitational, December 7, 2014
South Suburban Conference*, January 18, 2014
University of Wisconsin-River Falls Border Battle*, January 25, 2014
* = Division C exclusive

Division B Regionals:
Pine Island, Jan. 18, 2014
Mounds View High School, Feb. 1, 2014
University of Minnesota-Moorhead, Feb. 7, 2014
Minnetonka Middle School East, Feb. 8, 2014

Division C Regionals:
Inver Hills Community College, Feb. 1, 2014
Wayzata High School, Feb. 1 2014
University of Minnesota-Moorhead Campus, Feb. 7, 2014
Mounds View High School, Feb. 8, 2014
University of Minnesota-Rochester Campus, Feb. 8, 2014

State Tournaments:
Div. B - March 1, 2014, University of St. Thomas
Div. C - March 8, 2014, Bethel University

Will update as more information is presented.

Re: Minnesota 2014

Posted: September 23rd, 2013, 9:22 am
by Allinea
Well, as long as the date for River Falls stays the same (that is, different from South Sub) AV should be going? I'm excited because RF was one of my favorite competitions my sophomore year and was great practice.

Re: Minnesota 2014

Posted: September 26th, 2013, 4:27 pm
by haverstall
Sup y'all.

I'm so disappointed in the events this year, and especially with MN taking out MP. That would have been such a fun event to proctor.

Re: Minnesota 2014

Posted: October 5th, 2013, 8:54 pm
by Allinea
haverstall wrote:I'm so disappointed in the events this year, and especially with MN taking out MP. That would have been such a fun event to proctor.
I almost screamed when I saw that MP was taken out. What the heck even is Rollercoaster? The rules haven't been released yet or something? I've been looking forward to MP coming back since my freshmen year when I as too much of a newb to do it. Will Boyceville run it as an event even? Gargh.

Words cannot express my frustration.

Re: Minnesota 2014

Posted: October 6th, 2013, 12:37 am
by FawnOnyx
Haha yeah according to the state director, the board thought MP was a hassle to run or something, and they thought roller coaster looked fun so they chose that instead... Lol same thing happened my freshman year with Mission, we basically waited the last day to hack something together in a Rubbermaid tub...

Both roller coaster and MP will be run at Boyceville, and at least MP will be run at River Falls so it's not too bad.

Edit: Virginia trial roller coaster rules are here. I think the official MN rules are given out to teams once they register with MN SO.

Re: Minnesota 2014

Posted: October 6th, 2013, 11:12 am
by Allinea
FawnOnyx wrote:Haha yeah according to the state director, the board thought MP was a hassle to run or something
That reminds me of that one time at Boyceville my freshmen year where the MP device threw a domino at a judge (completely unplanned for, of course)

Still a bit frustrated about them cutting MP, but from the rules Rollercoaster looks fun.

Re: Minnesota 2014

Posted: October 7th, 2013, 7:39 pm
by Seracon
FawnOnyx wrote:Haha yeah according to the state director, the board thought MP was a hassle to run or something, and they thought roller coaster looked fun so they chose that instead... Lol same thing happened my freshman year with Mission, we basically waited the last day to hack something together in a Rubbermaid tub...

Both roller coaster and MP will be run at Boyceville, and at least MP will be run at River Falls so it's not too bad.

Edit: Virginia trial roller coaster rules are here. I think the official MN rules are given out to teams once they register with MN SO.
The rules for Roller Coaster are on the Minnesota SO website! Although the rules they have there seem to be identical to your link

Re: Minnesota 2014

Posted: October 25th, 2013, 7:02 pm
by thisusernameistaken
Is this the first year that Chippewa Middle School has a scioly team?

Re: Minnesota 2014

Posted: October 25th, 2013, 9:30 pm
by FawnOnyx
thisusernameistaken wrote:Is this the first year that Chippewa Middle School has a scioly team?
No, but it's the first year in quite a while. :D
We've got high hopes for them this year though. Hopefully they'll keep scioly going in the future!

Re: Minnesota 2014

Posted: October 30th, 2013, 12:11 pm
by haverstall
Good to see that Chippewa is finally on the Scioly bandwagon. And as long as they do better than Highview, I'm satisfied. :D