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2018 Solon High School Invitational

Posted: May 25th, 2017, 8:23 am
by nicholasmaurer
Excited to announce that Solon High School will again be holding its annual invitational in 2018. The tentative date is 2/3/18. Here are some important facts and notes about our tournament:
  • 60 teams will compete, traditionally including some of the top teams from the key states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan
    Raw scores for all events will be released (in addition to rankings/placings)
    National and state event supervisors have frequently run events at our invitational; we anticipate this continuing in 2018
    Awards/medals are given through 8th place for both teams and events
    Fun trial events for competitors and alternates will be run
Top ranking national teams and previous attendees will receive a formal "Save the Date" email invitation soon (early June) once we get confirmation from our school district that the building is reserved.

Re: 2018 Solon High School Invitational

Posted: August 30th, 2017, 11:52 am
by nicholasmaurer
We are excited to announce that registration for the 2018 Solon High School Science Olympiad (SHSSO) Invitational tournament on 2/3/18 is now open! Our registration fee this year is $85/team, payable by cash or check. You can access the online registration form on our invitational's website: ... l/2018.php

We have experienced an extremely high level of interest in our tournament this year, including a number of out-of-state teams who intend to compete at our tournament for the first time. We do anticipate filling all 60 available slots, with additional teams on a waiting list. Therefore, we encourage you to register as soon as your are able.

In the interest of including as many schools as possible, we will be mirroring other large invitationals - such as MIT - in capping the number of schools permitted to register two teams. Once 45 teams have registered, additional schools will only be permitted to register one team. Those schools may place a second team on our waiting list to be registered later if there is space available.

Let us know if we can provide additional information to help you plan your trip. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. We hope you will all register to attend again this year!

SHSSO Coaching Team

Re: 2018 Solon High School Invitational

Posted: August 30th, 2017, 12:29 pm
by John Richardsim
You mentioned a while back that it was being debated whether or not to release Solon's scores. Do you know yet if this is going to happen?

Our main reason for trying to go to Solon this year is for stronger competition, so the more muscle we see the better.

Re: 2018 Solon High School Invitational

Posted: August 30th, 2017, 12:52 pm
by nicholasmaurer
I will be Scoring Director again this year and we are transitioning to Avogadro as our electronic scoring system. My intent would be to mask our scores during the awards ceremony (we will not receive event medals or team trophies). Shortly after the tournament, I'd plan to release complete rankings and raw scores - including those of Solon HS - via Avogadro's public page.

There are a couple caveats. First, this only applies to Division C; Solon Middle School runs a separate tournament and I am unfamiliar with their plans for this year. Second, Solon tends to bend the rules at our own tournament (only at our own, for the record) and doesn't necessarily follow strict teams. A Solon student might compete under one team number in one event, and a second team number in a different event.

Re: 2018 Solon High School Invitational

Posted: September 13th, 2017, 2:24 pm
by nicholasmaurer
We are rapidly approaching the cap on the number of schools we will allow to register two teams - only three more schools will be able to do so. We are also rapidly approaching our overall registration limit. At this point, it seems likely that some teams who participated in 2017 will not fit within our overall limit of 60 teams. I therefore encourage you to register as soon as possible if you are interested in attending to our tournament this year.

Re: 2018 Solon High School Invitational

Posted: September 22nd, 2017, 3:50 pm
by nicholasmaurer
The 2018 Solon HS invitational has reached our registration cap of 66 schools - our largest ever! We will continue accepting waitlist submissions from additional schools through 11/31/17. Here is a tentative list of who will be attending:


Adlai E. Stevenson HS (IL) – 2
Bayard Rustin HS (PA) – 2
Boyceville HS (WI) – 2
DuPont Manual HS (KY) – 2
Grand Haven HS (MI) – 2
International Academy – Central (MI) – 2
New Trier HS (IL) – 2
Northville HS (MI) – 2
Shady Side Academy (PA) – 2
Troy HS (MI) – 2


Aurora HS – 1
Avon Lake HS –1
Beachwood HS – 2
Bio-Med Science Academy – 1
Brecksville Broadview Heights HS – 2
Brush HS – 1
Chagrin Falls HS – 1
Chardon HS – 2
Cleveland Heights HS – 1
Columbus Academy – 1
GlenOak HS – 1
Hoban HS – 2
Hudson HS – 2
Kenston HS – 2
Mason HS – 2
Mayfield HS – 2
Medina HS – 1
Mentor HS – 2
Monroe Central HS – 1
Nordonia HS – 1
Notre Dame Cathedral Latin – 1
Olentangy Orange HS – 2
Rocky River HS – 2
Saint Ignatius HS – 2
Shaker Heights HS – 1
Solon HS – 2
St. Edward HS – 2
Stow Munroe-Falls HS – 1
Thomas Worthington HS – 2
Villa Angela - St. Joseph HS – 1
Westlake HS – 2

Re: 2018 Solon High School Invitational

Posted: September 22nd, 2017, 5:15 pm
by scioly2012
Will Source Code be run as a trial event?

Re: 2018 Solon High School Invitational

Posted: September 22nd, 2017, 9:20 pm
by nicholasmaurer
scioly2012 wrote:Will Source Code be run as a trial event?
We haven't decided which trial and/or fun events we will be running this year. Typically these are run by Solon students rather than visiting teams, so it will be based on interest within our team, as well as room and equipment availability.

Re: 2018 Solon High School Invitational

Posted: September 24th, 2017, 9:26 am
by whythelongface
Historically, does Centerville attend the Solon Invitational?

Re: 2018 Solon High School Invitational

Posted: September 24th, 2017, 9:39 am
by nicholasmaurer
whythelongface wrote:Historically, does Centerville attend the Solon Invitational?
No, Centerville has not traditionally attended the Solon HS tournament, although I believe some of their middle school teams do attend the Solon MS invitational on the same day.

Many of the out-of-state teams — New Trier, Adlai Stevenson, Bayard Rustin, Shady Side, Troy, IA Central, Grand Haven, Boyceville — are new this year. Some of these schools attended at some point in the past, but not the last few years.