The A grain should be on the side, C grain on top (although it probably doesn't matter too much when the component is primarily under tension like the fuselage.)_HenryHscioly_ wrote:if fuselage has square cross section, which side, A or C grain, should face up?
I made my fuselage taller than wide, and put A grain on the side, just cuz it looked nice..
I got about 10 seconds on my glider.
My problem is, i have a really hard time transitioning.
I got it to work twice, at about 20degrees from vertical, 30degree left-bank.
If i get the degrees from vertical, off by a tiny bit, it doesnt work..
If too vertical, it kinda stalls, and nose-dives.
If too flat, it flys in an upside down parabola.
tried a total of about 20 times... 2/20....
it's ~3grams, ~2" chord.
It has long tail-arm...tiny horizontal stabilizer...
um.,,12" moment, 1.5" x 1"
I was guessing it's because my stabilizer isnt big enough?
The stabilizer size could certainly be the problem, it could also be a CG issue or even just a launch consistency issue. I'd make modifications to each of those (one at a time!) and record your results to see what works best.