Will we have a choice to room with another team or have a room for ourselves?Nats2019 wrote:We are actively reserving the rooms that will be used as homerooms and we're going to send out a little "welcome form" where we'll ask coaches not only if they want a home room, but also if they prefer/want to share a room with a specific team (schools from the same district might do this to only have one chaperone in the room at all times instead of two for two separate rooms). I expect that between teams not wanting a room and teams purposely sharing one, we should be set as far as the number of homerooms we have. Should have a more final handle on this in early-April.sciolyperson1 wrote:Like last year nats @Colorado, will we get individual team homerooms, or will we have to share with another team?Nats2019 wrote:Hi everyone! This account will be used as the official tournament account for the 2019 National Tournament at Cornell University!
There are a lot of details about the tournament that are at 90-95% completion right now, so expect a lot more updates in the coming week or two! As many of you just saw, we posted the trial events for the tournament (schedule will follow in the coming days).
Feel free to throw questions/comments/concerns at us through this forum! We look forward to seeing everyone at Cornell in June!
In addition to that, how will "Oldies but Goodies" events work?
Thanks so much!
If not, does the team we room with have to be from the same state or division?