Are you using the FFM kit? If so, your motor stick seems a bit on the heavy side. Dave's motor stick sheets do tend to vary significantly in density; I've ordered a couple, and some of mine have been under 1.0g when assembled, and some have been up to 1.2/1.3 ish. If you're using the FFM kit and it's coming in at 1.6g, I think it might be an issue with glue. CA glue, unless used very sparingly, might be a big to heavy, given the weight of the wood itself. I used model cement for most of mine, and they all came in at a desirable weight.ckssv07 wrote:Is there anyone who's breaking into the 2:20ish area with a device sizably over the minimum weight? Also for those of you at 2.5g, what are your component weights. I can hit 2 minutes with a 3.5g helicopter and from what I've seen here cutting down the weight to 2.5 would help a ton but I'm weighing using thinner rubber to accommodate a lighter motor stick which is currently 1.6g. Thanks.
When I am using my lightest motor stick (just under 1.0g), the rest of the heli (the two rotors, in 4 and 2 combination) bring it up to just around 2.4, and I top it off with a bit of clay on the bottom rotor.