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Re: Hovercraft B/C

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 12:17 pm
by UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F
Rules say to assume 1 roll is ~125 g and 16 rolls is ~2 kg.

Re: Hovercraft B/C

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 2:56 pm
by jgrischow1
UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F wrote:Rules say to assume 1 roll is ~125 g and 16 rolls is ~2 kg.
Indeed. I just wonder how many supervisors are aware the composition of pennies has changed and would think to weigh them.

Re: Hovercraft B/C

Posted: April 20th, 2018, 6:57 am
by SlipStrike1244
is it better to poke holes in the back of the skirt to make it go forward a bit or is that too little of a difference to matter.

Re: Hovercraft B/C

Posted: April 20th, 2018, 7:11 am
by hippo9
SlipStrike1244 wrote:is it better to poke holes in the back of the skirt to make it go forward a bit or is that too little of a difference to matter.
From what I've seen at competitions, there have been designs that rely on a hole in the back of the skirt as the sole source propulsion, but the issue with this is they are really unpredictable. Also, it probably wouldn't do much if you have a fan dedicated to propulsion already.

Re: Hovercraft B/C

Posted: April 20th, 2018, 7:13 am
by antoine_ego
SlipStrike1244 wrote:is it better to poke holes in the back of the skirt to make it go forward a bit or is that too little of a difference to matter.
It does make a difference provided that your bottom fan has sufficiently high airflow. I only cut holes in the back if my craft is riding too high and I want it to be a bit lower. So long as you have a pretty powerful back fan, it might not be necessary, but it can be used to modulate the height.

Re: Hovercraft B/C

Posted: April 26th, 2018, 12:40 pm
by BasuSiddha23
How many rolls of pennies can your hovercrafts hold?

I just want to see our performance compared to other teams.

Re: Hovercraft B/C

Posted: April 26th, 2018, 12:42 pm
by MattChina
BasuSiddha23 wrote:How many rolls of pennies can your hovercrafts hold?

I just want to see our performance compared to other teams.

Re: Hovercraft B/C

Posted: April 26th, 2018, 1:24 pm
by UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F
4 :|

Re: Hovercraft B/C

Posted: April 27th, 2018, 5:35 am
by IvanGe
BasuSiddha23 wrote:How many rolls of pennies can your hovercrafts hold?

I just want to see our performance compared to other teams.
If you want to do well, get it to hold 16 rolls, most national teams already can easily hold 16 rolls. (Mine can also hold 16 rolls) However, some tournaments I've noticed that my hovercraft didn't float as well as others, with the same batteries and 16 rolls, therefore I assume maybe that the penny rolls were different as mentioned early.

Re: Hovercraft B/C

Posted: April 29th, 2018, 5:21 am
by randomperson123
Is the hovercraft written test self-scheduled at nationals?