Save the person on top of you!

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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by paradoxgirl »

when he accidently ods on meds and dies (this post in honor of heath ledger, a freaking genuis who died before his time) when the police show up and arrest u for killing the joker, and u go to trial and are about to be a victim of capital punishment when....
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by danger will robinson »

bob marley shows up and bribes the judge to let you go. the judge, being a huge bob marley fan, gives in, but then the jury gets really mad and attacks you.
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by paradoxgirl »

you mean they attack you, and anyway i have the awesome power of bob marley's dreads to save you and get u out of the way of the attacking jurors, but then they come after me...
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by jweil_buddha »

and I breath my fire on them but then it turns out they were filled with pressurized propane
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by sadistic_cottoncandy »

so they 'splodes, but thankfully, Willy Wonka and I had outfitted you in some really awesome chocolate suits that protected you. but then the suits are starting to melt and you get all slippery and slide all the way down the hill that you're on. You're about to slide right into a deep pit filled with vicious man-eating hedgehogs......
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by paradoxgirl »

when i show up with jason bourne and he beats up all the hedgehogs with his super abilities of awesomeness, (matt damon i luv u..sighhhhhhh)but then he gets all moody because he can't remember who he is and is about to forcefully interogate me when..
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by sadistic_cottoncandy »

Heath Ledger (sigh, too bad he's dead) and i show up and rescue you by beating Jason Bourne (Mat Damon is freakin' amazing, btw) in the head with my rubber ducks. but then the rubber duckies 'splode and poisonous gases fill the air and we're all suffocating when....
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by Mister Cracker »

i come in with gas masks but then Kratos comes in to kill me
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by paradoxgirl »

so then i come in with matt damon, heath ledger, christian bale, AND orlando bloom, and we beat the crap out of kratos (whoever he is) and orlando bloom sits there and looks hot. however, crowds of adoring girls are about to stampede us (becuase of the ahmayzhing guys i surround myslef with) when....
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by 2win »

...when I show up with my azn mafia (I don't really have one) and using, our karate skills, we kick all of the girls out, but then an enemy mafia shows up... (I watch too many movies :lol: )
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