Re: Fake spam! (aka Uber Random Remarks That Do Not Qualify as Comments)
Posted: April 10th, 2015, 7:31 pm
by InfiniCuber
I like Eyes. Of tigers. Specifically proper tigers with proper titles such as "The Tiger".
I don't even know.
Re: Fake spam! (aka Uber Random Remarks That Do Not Qualify as Comments)
Posted: April 17th, 2015, 6:07 pm
by UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F
Panda Weasley wrote:Life is like a bag of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. You think you are going to have an amazing experience and then life surprises you with something bad. Then you think something bad will happen and instead it's your favorite.
After going to Harry Potter World (both of them), I finally understand this reference.
The vomit flavored actually tastes like vomit. Why would people do that to us?
a;djl owihg0e9fuv0awienvoebv
Re: Fake spam! (aka Uber Random Remarks That Do Not Qualify as Comments)
Posted: April 18th, 2015, 2:06 pm
by Panda Weasley
UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F wrote:
Panda Weasley wrote:Life is like a bag of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. You think you are going to have an amazing experience and then life surprises you with something bad. Then you think something bad will happen and instead it's your favorite.
After going to Harry Potter World (both of them), I finally understand this reference.
The vomit flavored actually tastes like vomit. Why would people do that to us?
a;djl owihg0e9fuv0awienvoebv
Or you could have just read the books and saved money....
Re: Fake spam! (aka Uber Random Remarks That Do Not Qualify as Comments)
Posted: April 18th, 2015, 3:36 pm
by UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F
Panda Weasley wrote:
UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F wrote:
Panda Weasley wrote:Life is like a bag of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. You think you are going to have an amazing experience and then life surprises you with something bad. Then you think something bad will happen and instead it's your favorite.
After going to Harry Potter World (both of them), I finally understand this reference.
The vomit flavored actually tastes like vomit. Why would people do that to us?
a;djl owihg0e9fuv0awienvoebv
Or you could have just read the books and saved money....
I didn't decide to buy it.
My friend is obsessed with Harry Potter.
Re: Fake spam! (aka Uber Random Remarks That Do Not Qualify as Comments)
Posted: April 18th, 2015, 3:40 pm
by Panda Weasley
UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F wrote:
Panda Weasley wrote:
UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F wrote:
After going to Harry Potter World (both of them), I finally understand this reference.
The vomit flavored actually tastes like vomit. Why would people do that to us?
a;djl owihg0e9fuv0awienvoebv
Or you could have just read the books and saved money....
I didn't decide to buy it.
My friend is obsessed with Harry Potter.
I meant that you could have read the books instead of going to the theme parks, but it sounds like you went with an obsessed friend so that's fine.
Re: Fake spam! (aka Uber Random Remarks That Do Not Qualify as Comments)
Posted: April 18th, 2015, 3:44 pm
by UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F
Re: Fake spam! (aka Uber Random Remarks That Do Not Qualify as Comments)
Posted: June 12th, 2016, 3:06 pm
by John Richardsim
Apatite is a stone of health, clarity and peace. It helps to heal both physically and emotionally (as well as spiritu nspirational properties. The interface point between consciousness and matter, it is a stone of manifestation and promotes a humanitari motivation and builds up energy reserves. It induces openness and social ease, encouraging extroversion, diss ance one’s insight, imagination, creativity, and learning abilities, which will in turn bestow increased self-confidence. Stimulating the intelle lied with a spiritual discipline and meditation, Apatite creates a willingness to let go of people, objects, and sit ms, Apatite is said to assist with bones, nail problems, arthritis, glands/orga ue and teal colors are helpful with weight loss by assisting in suppressing hunger, raising th very high level of spiritual guidance that is not easily attained urpose, one should hold a piece of Apatite and begin meditative state. Once the correct state is attained, visualize the person, problem or particular item, and begin to envision it being pushed or moved further and further away in whatever manner works bes re are writings that tie the sign of Gemini to the gemstone Apatite. Others assign it to Aquarius. Some have said it is not associated to any Zodiac Sign Dreaming of Apatite is a signal that something will occur psychically to alert one to a new cycle in life.sociated with the 5th, or Throat Chakra, Apatite helps facilitate public speaking skills and enhance communications with groups while opening the throat chak 5th chakra and the ‘kidney point’ for self-expression, and due to it’s mineral content, it is particularly beneficial for the functions of the small intesti used to stimulate memories of past lives by encouraging stronger intuition
As people who have started studying for Rocks and Minerals have found, there's loadsa crystal healing/etc. sites out there, particularly for certain minerals such as apatite. Above is a bunch of excerpts from these sites cut out mid sentence and slabbed together. Would make a great copypasta...
Re: Fake spam! (aka Uber Random Remarks That Do Not Qualify as Comments)
Posted: June 12th, 2016, 4:07 pm
by Magikarpmaster629
John Richardsim wrote:Apatite is a stone of health, clarity and peace. It helps to heal both physically and emotionally (as well as spiritu nspirational properties. The interface point between consciousness and matter...
I hate seeing these websites, there's just sooooo much wrong with them.
Re: Fake spam! (aka Uber Random Remarks That Do Not Qualify as Comments)
Posted: June 12th, 2016, 4:30 pm
by John Richardsim
Magikarpmaster629 wrote:
John Richardsim wrote:Apatite is a stone of health, clarity and peace. It helps to heal both physically and emotionally (as well as spiritu nspirational properties. The interface point between consciousness and matter...
I hate seeing these websites, there's just sooooo much wrong with them.
Aragonite is a good Earth healer, and encourages conservation of Earth's precious resou s a stabilizing stone, and can be helpful for those who have focused solely on spiritual pursuits to the exclusion of oth gonite is also helpful to those who need to release issues from the past and attach nd spiritual growth into the lower chakras, raising the overall vibration of the bo kras, but can work specifically with the Root/Base Chakra, for grounding and with the Earth-Star Ch lity to raise vibrational energies of the body can assist with all types of healing. Thes overy from broken bones and nerve damage. It's h oblems that may lead to restlessness and twitching n different shades of whitish light blue. Blue Aragonite is helpful to everyone from animals to humans. It helps calm down stressed animals and helps older children be more responsible and less competitive. Blue Aragonite is also a healing crystal, helping w rainee animals. It also helps children become more patient and less anxiou lling bad tempers as well as procrasti environment this beautiful stone helps those around to think things through before acting, and protects against picking up negative emotions from others. Healthwis The stone itself has great energy when held, very calming.
Re: Fake spam! (aka Uber Random Remarks That Do Not Qualify as Comments)