STAR Program Post Regs Review
I competed in div b a few days ago and wanted to mention a few things for the div c ppl and states.
My team's biggest problem was the password-locked test/answer sheet retrieval. I think it was a universal issue and every team I've had contact with had problems in at least a few events. When entering a password, "Too many attempts" would show up, even if the password was correct and it was your first time entering a password. I still have no idea why this happened, but some teams had no problems with it in a specific event and some teams were locked out for a while. NYSSO emailed coaches saying to "refresh, clear browser history, or restart device." None of these worked personally. I also heard that clearing cookies worked, but someone on my team mentioned it didn't do anything.
I think the issue overall may have been because of too many teams trying to get in at once, but idrk how the internet works so don't take my word for it. I found that entering 1-2 minutes early instead of the exact start (which I assume is when most teams try to get in) worked during my last event. But again, it could have been luck since I only got to try it once. Most of my team just refreshed and entered the password consistently for 5-15 minutes until it let them in. There's probably a better solution but idk.
Also, if one of our members got in while the others still couldn't we distributed pdfs to them. But mostly once one person got in everyone else could too.
Possible Solutions:
- Clear browser history
- Clear cookies
- Restart device
- Refresh
- Close and reopen tab
- Enter a little early
The password release times were pretty off, block 1 was released 12 minutes early and block 2 released 9 minutes late. It'll probably be better for div c now that the tourney directors know what not to do. All teams received a 10 minute extension in block 2 because of the late password release (communicated through coaches).
The director of my regional was willing to give out extensions. For one of our events, we couldn't get into the link for around 20 minutes. We requested an extension and were given one accordingly.
A few of our tests had to be emailed in through coaches because the submission links closed despite our extension. Again, a ton of coach communication was needed.
Disclaimer: I have no idea how the directors of other regionals managed extension appeals and submission problems. (For reference I competed in Eastern LI)
Browser review:
EDIT: The original editing programs I recommended before seem to have been discouraged by NYSSO? Disregard this section as they are changing the process.
Make sure your team knows what can get them DQed. There are a ton of ways to get DQed and it's really easy to accidentally forget a step and get a DQ.
Make sure to...
- not do anything that "alters" the file
- properly put team name and number
- put initials NOT full name
- put NOT your email
Test quality:
IMO, the tests were better than an average NY regionals test.
At least for div b, most of the tests were a good length, and 2 of the 3 events I took were over 100 questions. The tests I took were slightly harder than you would expect at regionals, someone on my team even thought they were harder than the invys we went to this year. Someone on my team also mentioned one of their events disobeyed the rules manual.
Some numbers (Out of 35 partnerships):
Had password issues: 28/35
Had extension given: 12/35
Used email submission: 3/35
No password issues: 7/35
5 minute password delay: 10/35
10 minute password delay: 15/35
20 minute password delay: 3/35
Final thoughts: if things go South be prepared to have communication with both your coach and team members.
Overall chaotic experience and I hope div c regs and states go better
Overall: 3/10
Passwords: 1/10
Tests: 7/10
Refreshing google classroom to panicking teammate messages: stressful/10
Good luck at div c regs and let me know if I had any false info here. Thanks!