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Re: New Jersey 2020

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 3:12 pm
by dankdecidueye
I'm not in PPP, but I heard from my team that the launcher was really different/not working well. Did anyone encounter similar issues with PPP?

Re: New Jersey 2020

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 3:14 pm
by builderguy135
dankdecidueye wrote: March 10th, 2020, 3:12 pm I'm not in PPP, but I heard from my team that the launcher was really different/not working well. Did anyone encounter similar issues with PPP?
Div B launcher was terrible from what I heard, but div C launcher was alright.

Re: New Jersey 2020

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 3:42 pm
by dankdecidueye
Yeah, we got 1/5 of our usual time because the rocket didn't go high enough. :|

Re: New Jersey 2020

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 3:47 pm
by builderguy135
dankdecidueye wrote: March 10th, 2020, 3:42 pm Yeah, we got 1/5 of our usual time because the rocket didn't go high enough. :|
did you change the pressure for your second launch?

Re: New Jersey 2020

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 3:49 pm
by dankdecidueye
Yes, we made it to be 15 psi higher. Now that I look back though I think we should have made it a bit more.

Re: New Jersey 2020

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 4:36 pm
by Fallsbury
In addition, I feel like Density Lab was run very poorly. We had density first block, and the event supervisor was around 5-10 mins late. It was understandable that he was in a rush to get the test started given the fact he already lost some time. He handed us the test, and didn't say anything. The test was only about 25 questions long, so my partner and I decided that it was plenty of time to do the test and didn't split up the test, being sure to not make silly mistakes. We assumed that the supervisor would call us up for lab and give us a bit of time to finish, and go back to doing our test. This is what occurs for many competitions. However, around 11 minutes later, he said that there was 30 seconds left. Understandably, everyone in the room was confused. He apologized for the confusion, but an apology doesn't really help much in this case. Therefore, we ended up finishing only around 12 questions of the 23. We took 10 minutes on the written tests. According to other teams such as grover, the supervisor told them and other blocks how much time they got before the test started. oof

Re: New Jersey 2020

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 5:45 pm
by MitchinhoGray
Hey guys, awards are coming out soon, so I wanted to start a time prediction challenge. Quote me with a prediction of when results will be released, and you’ll win a box of Italian Chocolate Truffles along with a 10 dollar Air China voucher.
Good Luck,

Re: New Jersey 2020

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 5:46 pm
by CookiePie1
8:59 PM UTC-4:00 (EST)

oop it's utc-4 now bc daylight savings

Re: New Jersey 2020

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 5:49 pm
by rabbitman
Yo does anyone *cough lumo* know whats taking so long

Oh and I would like to enter your prestigious contest mitch- im betting on 9:15 EST

Re: New Jersey 2020

Posted: March 10th, 2020, 5:50 pm
by CookiePie1
lumo is in texas right now.