Save the person on top of you!

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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by Liv »

But then I um..... some really strange way I make a tramboline. But then jkofdoom1 and cooltiger push me into tartuas(mythology exam 2morrow).
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by danger will robinson »

but then since gaea (who is your mom) scolded all of the monsters in tartuas into not eating you. unfortunatly, one of the monsters decided to take a big bite out of you anyway..
Science Olympiad is a tribute to Murphey's Law. This has been proven experimentally.
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by croman74 »

But he had a cavity in his tooth, so he couldn't bite you! Then he turned towards me and started choking me...
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by danger will robinson »

but then his thumb was sore so he couldn't crush you very hard. however, his foot was just fine, so he tried to kick you when...
Science Olympiad is a tribute to Murphey's Law. This has been proven experimentally.
And no, I'm not a guy...even though my sig says will robsinson. It's a reference to Lost in Space, an ancient sci fi TV show. And the robot is the character who always says the line.
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by croman74 »

All of a sudden I realized I had a gun and I shot him! But then the biggest monster of all woke up from the gunshot and came to kill me...
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by crazibanana_51 »

But then a radioactivve playpus flew from a near by forest and saved your life. But there I was bleeding to death because I had a bad break up with Jason from Friday the Thirteenth..
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by RemRemKenKen »

So i bing you to the CHOPPA! i bring you to the hospital where the nurse takes you but jason apperd from no where and amied a chainsaw on me
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by EastStroudsburg13 »

But I had taken the batteries out of the chainsaw but they started leaking in my pocket...

(should be interesting how I get saved from that. :lol: )
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by jk of doom1 »

my super duper cleaning powers sucked up the battery juice but it went in to my digestive system now i have stomach cramps
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Re: Save the person on top of you!

Post by Liv »

but then I swoop down on the flying ram and it also heals you but then I fall into................
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