patil215 wrote: My proposal for improving the event is to model it after a UIL Computer Science or USACO competition. The basics are as follows:
-Use a classical programming language like Python or Java
-Instead of a game, give teams 50 minutes to solve a collection of problems like these ( ... s_2014.pdf). Each problem has multiple test cases. Teams would be ranked by how many problems they can solve that work with the test cases
-There can also be a written test in addition to the hands on programming. The written test would be similar to this: ... ritten.pdf
In short, I do not feel that the current implementation of Game On is the correct way to implement a computer science event. Instead, I would recommend a USACO or UIL type programming competition of objective algorithmic nature. A written test could also be added.
I speak for nearly all of my fellow Science Olympiad competitors who program when I say that we think this would be the ideal way to run a computer science event in Science Olympiad.
And that, is how every computer science contest I've ever been to has happened. I think I see how Game On was picked because it looks like a fun event for the students, but it's highly subjective and really doesn't test a lot of true comp sci concepts. Personally, I think tests are a more direct approach for SciOly, write the tests in Java or Python, and the just like the UIL contests you can test competitors on search algorithms, syntax, object oriented programming concepts (at least in Java, I think python is less so?), etc, etc. It's easier for contests to run an event that doesn't require computers, it doesn't need as much standardization (versions of python, or versions of scratch), it's quick to grade (same as all the other events), and honestly SciOly competitors will probably not at all complain about a testing event, that's what a lot of them are anyways.
In other words, SciOlyers aren't known for learning the basics of a field. No event here operates at a surface level, yet, it seems like every Computer Science event that's been pitched has been at that beginning, surface level. I think a more SciOly-esque thing to do would be to go in depth into CompSci, which has the added benefit of being easier for competitions to run, and more like the other events.