Next time if I get window, we're switching. Zombie Umaroth an hour before sunrise is not something I want to see again.Umaroth wrote: ↑Thu May 28, 2020 2:02 am Also related to the latest polling place thing: people who like the middle or aisle seat, how so you guys fall asleep on long flights??? I had aisle on the flight from here to MIT and back, and I could not sleep at all since I had nothing to lean against. I'm tall enough that the tray table is not a good option, believe me, I tried and I ended up waking up in a puddle of sweat, it was nasty. We arrived in Boston at like 4 AM and I was a freaking zombie having slept like half an hour the whole night, I didn't have anything to do on the flight either. Even worse we had to wait out in the cold for the shuttle, which I normally wouldn't mind since I like the cold, but I was pretty brain-dead, and then we also had to walk to the hotel after getting off the subway later, all while lugging around a gigantic suitcase and a backpack. I also couldn't find my gloves, so my hands were freezing. I ended up passing out (falling asleep, not actually fainting) during breakfast at Stratton (the breakfast burrito place was really good though). I didn't get any sleep until we arrived at the hotel at around 3 PM and I took a shower then passed out for a few hours. I was also kind of sad because a family friend's son who is a few years younger than me had just been pronounced brain-dead and I was still trying to process it all. To top it all off, at the airport I checked the news and quite audibly yelled OH CRAP while in line for security when I read the headline that Kobe died. I spent the whole flight watching the tributes on ESPN while doing math homework quietly. Needless to say, the traveling part of the invitational stunk, but everything else was fun. I can't wait for MIT next year and hopefully I'll get the window seat. Also we had fun trying (and failing) to use resonance to calculate the length of the pipe going down the Bunker Hill Memorial with a few tourists confused about what we were doing. Also I had some good clam chowder. Okay it's late at night bye guys.
I'm also apparently decent at compacting snowballs.