Scrambler B

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Re: Scrambler B

Post by fmtiger124 »

penclspinner wrote:
fullofit wrote:The rule that I was referring to is the one that says that the floor should be smooth and level, not specifically about which direction the illegal grooves were running. I was only suggesting that if they simply couldn't find a better location for the EV event, then at least they could have run across the grooves so that they wouldn't have as much effect ont he EVs direction. As to the idea that grooves running parrallel to the direction the vehilce was travelling in would help the vehicle go straight, think about it some more. If the grooves were spaced exactly the same at your wheels when they were on the centerline of the track, then it might cause the vehicle to stay on the centerline, but a random groove that catches only one wheel (or one end of the vehicle) is going to pull the vehicle off the centerline. I saw a vehicle that was going right down the line, then one of it's rear wheels got caught in a groove that shifted the rear of the vehicle off course. That vehicle ended up only a few cm off course but the team had gotten 199.5 and 200 at their regional and state competitions. I don't know how many of you were actually at the national competition but the floor had large spaces between the gym floor boards at irregular intervals, as opposed to most gym floors which are coated with a thick layer of urethane that fills in all the grooves. It was probably the worst gym floor I have ever seen, hardly what anyone would refer to as "smooth and level". If I remember correctly the gym floor where trajectory was done was much smoother (like a normal gym floor), so they could have simply moved trajectory to the EV gym and EV and Scrambler to the Trajectory gym.

I know there are differing feeling here about the appropriate part that random chance should play in the outcome of events. We all know that Egg-O Naut (and bottle rocket) are hugely effected by weather that is simply out of the control of the competitors. Trajectory and Storm the Castle are also effected by winds when they are run out doors (or indoors with the A/C running, as in Augusta). Balloon race was so dramatically effected by the slightest winds that at most competitions it was virtually entirely random chance who won (at some National competitions they built an enclosure that helped a lot to keep drafts out). My personal oppinion is that random chance should play virtually no part in a science experiment (or science competition). If the event cannot practially be run so that the random errors in environmental factors, scoring, etc. aren't large enough to effect the outcome, then the event needs to be changed or dropped. If we know that the falling time of an Egg-O Naut capsule can be effected by more than the difference between first and second place then the event is not actually working. You can't design an Egg-O Naut that isn't effected by up or down drafts, it's simply physically impossible, so how can we say that the guy who launched when there was a large updraft is the winner, when the next best device, luanched in zero wind conditions (or with a down draft) only scored a second or two less?

In EV, where the winner is typically decided by a few 1/10s of a point (a few mm of aiming error) how can we say that a track that introduces errors of CMs is a reasonable venue?

Wait, so what event are we talking about here? Is this a complaint for EV or Scrambler?
Because from the pictures it looks like Scrambler was run on a tile floor, not a gym floor.
Don't know about EV.
don't you think that because we are in the scrambler thread would make this a Scrambler complaint?????
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Re: Scrambler B

Post by penclspinner »

fmtiger124 wrote:
penclspinner wrote:
fullofit wrote:The rule that I was referring to is the one that says that the floor should be smooth and level, not specifically about which direction the illegal grooves were running. I was only suggesting that if they simply couldn't find a better location for the EV event, then at least they could have run across the grooves so that they wouldn't have as much effect ont he EVs direction. As to the idea that grooves running parrallel to the direction the vehilce was travelling in would help the vehicle go straight, think about it some more. If the grooves were spaced exactly the same at your wheels when they were on the centerline of the track, then it might cause the vehicle to stay on the centerline, but a random groove that catches only one wheel (or one end of the vehicle) is going to pull the vehicle off the centerline. I saw a vehicle that was going right down the line, then one of it's rear wheels got caught in a groove that shifted the rear of the vehicle off course. That vehicle ended up only a few cm off course but the team had gotten 199.5 and 200 at their regional and state competitions. I don't know how many of you were actually at the national competition but the floor had large spaces between the gym floor boards at irregular intervals, as opposed to most gym floors which are coated with a thick layer of urethane that fills in all the grooves. It was probably the worst gym floor I have ever seen, hardly what anyone would refer to as "smooth and level". If I remember correctly the gym floor where trajectory was done was much smoother (like a normal gym floor), so they could have simply moved trajectory to the EV gym and EV and Scrambler to the Trajectory gym.

I know there are differing feeling here about the appropriate part that random chance should play in the outcome of events. We all know that Egg-O Naut (and bottle rocket) are hugely effected by weather that is simply out of the control of the competitors. Trajectory and Storm the Castle are also effected by winds when they are run out doors (or indoors with the A/C running, as in Augusta). Balloon race was so dramatically effected by the slightest winds that at most competitions it was virtually entirely random chance who won (at some National competitions they built an enclosure that helped a lot to keep drafts out). My personal oppinion is that random chance should play virtually no part in a science experiment (or science competition). If the event cannot practially be run so that the random errors in environmental factors, scoring, etc. aren't large enough to effect the outcome, then the event needs to be changed or dropped. If we know that the falling time of an Egg-O Naut capsule can be effected by more than the difference between first and second place then the event is not actually working. You can't design an Egg-O Naut that isn't effected by up or down drafts, it's simply physically impossible, so how can we say that the guy who launched when there was a large updraft is the winner, when the next best device, luanched in zero wind conditions (or with a down draft) only scored a second or two less?

In EV, where the winner is typically decided by a few 1/10s of a point (a few mm of aiming error) how can we say that a track that introduces errors of CMs is a reasonable venue?

Wait, so what event are we talking about here? Is this a complaint for EV or Scrambler?
Because from the pictures it looks like Scrambler was run on a tile floor, not a gym floor.
Don't know about EV.
don't you think that because we are in the scrambler thread would make this a Scrambler complaint?????
True, but when someone repeatedly mentions "EV" 5 times and only mentions "Scrambler" once I get confused.
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Re: Scrambler B

Post by beaverkid »

fmtiger124 wrote:
penclspinner wrote:
fullofit wrote:The rule that I was referring to is the one that says that the floor should be smooth and level, not specifically about which direction the illegal grooves were running. I was only suggesting that if they simply couldn't find a better location for the EV event, then at least they could have run across the grooves so that they wouldn't have as much effect ont he EVs direction. As to the idea that grooves running parrallel to the direction the vehilce was travelling in would help the vehicle go straight, think about it some more. If the grooves were spaced exactly the same at your wheels when they were on the centerline of the track, then it might cause the vehicle to stay on the centerline, but a random groove that catches only one wheel (or one end of the vehicle) is going to pull the vehicle off the centerline. I saw a vehicle that was going right down the line, then one of it's rear wheels got caught in a groove that shifted the rear of the vehicle off course. That vehicle ended up only a few cm off course but the team had gotten 199.5 and 200 at their regional and state competitions. I don't know how many of you were actually at the national competition but the floor had large spaces between the gym floor boards at irregular intervals, as opposed to most gym floors which are coated with a thick layer of urethane that fills in all the grooves. It was probably the worst gym floor I have ever seen, hardly what anyone would refer to as "smooth and level". If I remember correctly the gym floor where trajectory was done was much smoother (like a normal gym floor), so they could have simply moved trajectory to the EV gym and EV and Scrambler to the Trajectory gym.

I know there are differing feeling here about the appropriate part that random chance should play in the outcome of events. We all know that Egg-O Naut (and bottle rocket) are hugely effected by weather that is simply out of the control of the competitors. Trajectory and Storm the Castle are also effected by winds when they are run out doors (or indoors with the A/C running, as in Augusta). Balloon race was so dramatically effected by the slightest winds that at most competitions it was virtually entirely random chance who won (at some National competitions they built an enclosure that helped a lot to keep drafts out). My personal oppinion is that random chance should play virtually no part in a science experiment (or science competition). If the event cannot practially be run so that the random errors in environmental factors, scoring, etc. aren't large enough to effect the outcome, then the event needs to be changed or dropped. If we know that the falling time of an Egg-O Naut capsule can be effected by more than the difference between first and second place then the event is not actually working. You can't design an Egg-O Naut that isn't effected by up or down drafts, it's simply physically impossible, so how can we say that the guy who launched when there was a large updraft is the winner, when the next best device, luanched in zero wind conditions (or with a down draft) only scored a second or two less?

In EV, where the winner is typically decided by a few 1/10s of a point (a few mm of aiming error) how can we say that a track that introduces errors of CMs is a reasonable venue?

Wait, so what event are we talking about here? Is this a complaint for EV or Scrambler?
Because from the pictures it looks like Scrambler was run on a tile floor, not a gym floor.
Don't know about EV.
don't you think that because we are in the scrambler thread would make this a Scrambler complaint?????

People post in the wrong thread all the time....and from what I saw, I thought it was about EV the whole time too. If you read the message from fullofit, as you have quoted too, he/she is talking about the venue for EV......and the scoring of 199.5 and 200 points is also EV's scoring system....not Scrambler.....
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Re: Scrambler B

Post by fmtiger124 »

fullofit wrote:
bob3443 wrote:so after waiting for... 2 days with no one responding... i have the urge to ask this again. does anyone know ANYTHING about scrambler at nationals?
All I know is that both Scambler and EV were run on a very rough wood floor, with the track parallel to the boards (in violation of the rules). For those who built vehicles with wide wheels it was not much of an issue but for teams who used CDs or hard drive platters it was a disaster. The thin wheel would get caught in a groove and force the vehicle off course. Many people argue that since all the teams had the same issues to deal with it's all a wash but that is simply not true. A team has a right to believe that the event will be run according to the rules. If the rules stated that the scamblers and EVs could be run in the grass or on a paved road, or on a track with large gaps between the boards running parallel to the track, then teams would have built their vehicles to accomodate that, but when you are told in the rules that the track will be a smooth level surface, you build for that specification. We practiced on linoleum, wood gym floors (smooth urethane) and smooth tile, we didn't practice on a floor with grooves that would catch the wheels.

I am afraid that I do not know the scores, I spoke to one team (who just missed medalling) that had a run time of about 3 seconds and a distance/aim error of about 5 cm. That would make it necessary to have done better than 11 to medal, but that is just a rough estimate.
read this---quote you have sprang out of that--he's sort of talking about both but he was complaining about grooves in the floor messing up thin wheeled scramblers
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Re: Scrambler B

Post by beaverkid »

fmtiger124 wrote:
fullofit wrote:
bob3443 wrote:so after waiting for... 2 days with no one responding... i have the urge to ask this again. does anyone know ANYTHING about scrambler at nationals?
All I know is that both Scambler and EV were run on a very rough wood floor, with the track parallel to the boards (in violation of the rules). *snip*
read this---quote you have sprang out of that--he's sort of talking about both but he was complaining about grooves in the floor messing up thin wheeled scramblers
Fullofit started talking about how both events took place on a very rough wood floor on May 27th. DarkSabre posted a picture of Scrambler the same day showing that Scrambler took place on tiled floor and not wood floor. Fullofit posted again a few days after that on May 31st and it seems like he was only talking about EV that point. He/she might have realized that Scrambler is okay from DarkSabre's picture.
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Re: Scrambler B

Post by kp9ssa »

could u use parts of a scrambler to make a wheeled vehicle

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Re: Scrambler B

Post by fmtiger124 »

kp9ssa wrote:could u use parts of a scrambler to make a wheeled vehicle
yes but it would probobly be easier to do it the other way around
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Re: Scrambler B

Post by 49ers »

I do have to agree with fmtiger124 in this case it is easier the other way around
so when Scrambler does come back, do just that, use the EV to make a Scrambler
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Re: Scrambler B

Post by fmtiger124 »

The EV would already have the brake installed and it would be a car--all you have to do would be take off the electric stuff and devise a way to launch it within the scrambler rules.
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Re: Scrambler B

Post by 49ers »

yes you would have to change some parts of it but it would save a lot of time
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