One tiny but significant thing to mention - you don't have to try every value, the inverses mod 26 of all the numbers that can be your value appear in the reference sheet, it's the two-row table on the first page, where each column is a pair of inverses.cyberdoggo wrote: ↑December 21st, 2022, 5:48 pmto decrypt affine cipher, you need 3 values. a, b, and t. the decryption formula is t(x-b) mod26.Somebody11 wrote: ↑December 7th, 2022, 7:38 am Where can I find an as-easy-as-possible explanation of how to decrypt an Affine cipher with key? I am pretty confused with the math.
the easiest way to look at it is to see t as a^-1, where at mod26 has to equal 1.
to find the value of t, just use a.
for example, let's say a = 7 and b = 39.
to find 7t mod26 = 1, you just have to try every value. in this case, t = 15.
therefore, your decryption formula in this case would be 15(x-39) mod26.
hope that helps.
Also, as a general recommendation - the Wiki page for Codebusters has great explanations of most ciphers, both decoding and encoding (where applicable). It's not perfect or comprehensive but it's the best first place to check!