2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

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Re: 2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

Post by jaggie34 »

What was the ceiling height for PPP?

Edit: found it on the website, 63 feet! That's high!
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Re: 2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

Post by sourpatchkids »

How were the build scores/times at Cornell? Not surprising? Surprising? Especially interested in seeing how Boomi’s change in rules affects scores.
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Re: 2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

Post by sciolyperson1 »

sourpatchkids wrote: November 27th, 2019, 2:57 pm How were the build scores/times at Cornell? Not surprising? Surprising? Especially interested in seeing how Boomi’s change in rules affects scores.
24 seconds / 63 ft seems low, but it's incredibly hard to reach the top of the ceiling with a decent rocket with consistent deployment. I'd guess that towards the end of the season teams might reach 24 seconds in a 24 ft gym (1sec/ft).

What were the top scores for boomi, wright, and gravity?
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Re: 2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

Post by sciolyrules107 »

I was in six events…so this is a bit long…

Wright Stuff (1st): Let’s just say that this was one of the events where I was thankful that Cornell was held so early into the season. Although my partner and I were a bit unprepared for the event, the proctors pointed out some things and kindly allowed us to fix them. They genuinely wanted students to learn and improve from this experience. In terms of the venue, it was a bit small. On our first flight, our plane hit things four times. On a practice flight, the plane got stuck on one of the ledges. I ended up chatting with one of the proctors after the awards ceremony for a bit and he was so nice and friendly. Thank you! Rating: 9/10

Disease Detectives (2nd): The proctors were nice and the event was well organized. Everything on the test was fair, but the famous doctors section threw my partner and I for a bit of a loop. We learned a lot from our mistakes from this test. At the end of the test, my partner and I wrote a small thank you note to the proctors. They wrote back on the test and even signed their autograph (thank you and I’m touched uwu (if you’re reading this)). Also, (Idk if I should be saying this) the two proctors running the event kept on giggling. While I was doing the MC section, I kept on getting distracted by the thought that they should totally become an item. Rating: 10/10

Fossils (8th): Fossils was run well. The event was run in an organized fashion and the everyone left the event on time. Some stations were kind of difficult since there were so many short response answers, but overall it was a fair test. Almost all of the stations had specimens, which was really cool (if anyone knew what the fossils from station 2 were, pls msg me!). Mid-event, our binder fell onto the floor and all of the pages spewed out everywhere. The proctor was really nice and helped my partner clean it up while I was stress writing furiously in her absence. Rating: 10/10

Designer Genes (10th): Oh boy. I got a headache after I left this event. 33 pages of straight pain. The test was very challenging and definitely dived into very specific questions with the topics. I was surprised by how much CRISPR-Cas9 information there was. The short answer questions could've been done correctly if people had a lot of time to analyze them closely; but given the 50 minute time constraint with the 33 page test, the strategy was to skim through and assemble a broad statement to get any points if possible. The proctor who wrote the test was very nice and friendly and the test gave me a better understanding of what to study and how future designer genes events will be run. Rating: 10/10

Expd (18th): The event supervisors were very clear and ran the event smoothly. They were strict about materials, time, and semed like they had a lot of experience. On our team of three, given that expd would be everyones 6th event of the day, we decided to come up with the dumbest experiment ever that met the qualifications of the topic. For the first 10 minutes, we were screwing around and playing with the materials. One of my partners happened hit a cup as far as possible with a string with some washers attached on. We all burst out laughing and had a few teams look back at us in confusion. From there on, we jokingly dubbed it a ‘conservation of energy experiment' and began writing our crappy lab report. Placings may be forgotten, but the memes will be forever. Rating: 10/10

Protein Modeling (42nd): It’s kinda obvious that I was a filler for this event, but I thought it was run very well. The event itself didn’t have any problems and the test questions were challenging. I heard that the proctor came all the way to Cornell from Florida (wow!). Rating: 10/10

Overall: it was run much better than the previous two years and I think our team learned a lot from this competition. Thank you!
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Re: 2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

Post by svph300 »

Hello everyone! I was the proctor for Protein Modeling C for Cornell this year, so if you have any questions, feel free to reach out at velasco.scienceolympiad@gmail.com. I had fun proctoring for you guys and have a great rest of the season! Congratulations to Bayard Rustin A for an amazing performance!
Last edited by svph300 on December 1st, 2019, 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

Post by svph300 »

sciolyrules107 wrote: Protein Modeling (42nd): It’s kinda obvious that I was a filler for this event, but I thought it was run very well. The event itself didn’t have any problems and the test questions were challenging. I heard that the proctor came all the way to Cornell from Florida (wow!). Rating: 10/10

Hey! I’m the proctor for Protein Modeling (and yes, you’re right. I did come all the way from Florida to proctor the event). I’m glad you thought the event didn’t have any problems and that the test questions were challenging. I wanted to make an exam that would be useful as a study guide for all Protein Modeling competitors and to encourage deeper understanding for the topics. Good luck with the rest of the season!
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Re: 2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

Post by drcubbin »

Is Cornell B running at Regional or State level?
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Re: 2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

Post by BrownieInMotion »

drcubbin wrote: January 22nd, 2020, 12:59 pm Is Cornell B running at Regional or State level?
State level for all events. :)
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Re: 2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

Post by Havocgamer49 »

Does anyone have any of the tests? I did not attend but I would appreciate it if someone could either post them on the text exchange or private message me. I would love to practice with these tests so if anyone has them please, please help me.


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Re: 2019-2020 Cornell Invitational (B/C)

Post by Giantpants »

Cornell Division B is this weekend! 25 teams... I may as well drop some quick predictions since this thread has been pretty quiet lol

1. Gelinas A - Gelinas A

2. Eagle Hill - Even tho I feel like Eagle Hill usually has their best performance at states, I think they will get 2nd here assuming a slight slight Bay Academy unstack lol

3. Bay Academy - at LISO they seemed kinda unstacked but pretty strong, I’m sure they will put up good numbers here!

4. Harlan Rowe - Strong LISO performance, they beat a seemingly unstacked Bay Academy by a little and at Rustin by a pretty fair margin, so if Bay Academy stacks, I can imagine Harlan Rowe taking 4th (or maybe 3rd? We’ll see.)

5. Thomas R. Grover - I’m excited to see some invitational results from this team, especially after they came kinda close to beating Community at regionals. Can they take NJ states for the first time in so long? Maybe this will be the first indicator!

6. Gelinas B - Gelinas B

7. Howard Goff - Their Rustin performance was a bit below these other teams, but I can imagine them putting up strong numbers here, at this smaller tournament.

8. Bay Academy B - I won’t put them higher assuming a slight stack? But yeah I think this is where they fit in lol

I’ve been a little out of the loop in Division B due to our teams seemingly constant competitions, so if these are off, yeah. Regardless, it will be exciting to more results from Division B! Good luck to everyone!
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