Bread wrote:So I was studying a bit and noticed that the classes for the brachiopods on sites contradict what it says on the list. It says that inarticulata and articulata have been superceded by what I assume to be lingulata and rhynchonellata. If I were asked on a test to give the classes of one of these specimens should I put what the list has down or the sites?
The list should always win out.
Classification is a tricky beast and there's often a lot of disagreement about names and such, or recent changes. The list is what the event is testing you on and it would be very unfair for someone to mark you wrong for using the nomenclature on the list. It might not be a terrible idea for you to also just write down any name changes just in case someone decides to ask a question about it, but I would think that that's very uncommon.
Basically, never ever put a name that isn't on the list for ID because you absolutely WILL be marked wrong unless the question specifically asks for an alternate name, which is unlikely (unless it's asking about a common name or something).