Here's my basic understanding, I put an example next to each. I hope it helps!Nerd_Bunny wrote:Anyone have a good summary of the different types of studies? (Experimental, cohort, cross-sectional..etc?) I need a good, concise way to remember the basics about each study. I know all of the calculations and such, but I'm having trouble remembering what each of them is for. Thanks!
EDIT: Usually I just have long paragraphs of stuff on my info sheet, but I think it's time to downsize...
Randomized control trial: randomly assign people to treatment/exposure and a placebo, usually to test medicine (People with cancer are randomly given a drug or placebo to test results)
Quasi experimental: like RCT, but not random (People with cancer that are older than 40 are given the drug while younger people are given a placebo)
Cohort: Compare people with or without a certain exposure to see what might resulte in a disease (Comparing medical records of smokers vs non smokers to see if smokers got a certain disease)
Case-control: Compare people with and without disease to see what could have been the cause (Comparing habits of people with/without lung cancer to find common exposure in people with disease and no exposure in people without disease)
Cross sectional: data collected at a point in time, to see prevalence of a disease (surveys/ questionnaires)
Ecological: data analyzed by looking at the location of things (John Snow's cholera outbreak study, where he mapped where people with cholera lived)