Say you know a galaxy has a hydrogen line at 656 nm. The redshifted line is now at 1115 nm. What would be the redshift value and how fast would the galaxy be going. Also, how far is the galaxy away from us? (H= 70)
Check my work please

So you can find redshift by using (observed - emitted)/emitted = (1115-656)/656 = 459/656 = .7 This is the redshift value.
Now you can use v= zc = .7 * 300000 km/s = 210000 km/s. This is how fast the galaxy is moving away from us.
Then you can use Hubble's Law for distance. D = V/H = (210000 km/s)/(70 km/s/Mpc) = about 3000 Mpc.
Did I do it right? Any response would be helpful