Honestly, I just start with a good old Google search. Usually Chandra and APOD have the best pages and information on them. A lot of the question for the DSO don't necessarily test your knowledge on the object itself, but the class of objects it belongs to.salcedam wrote:Thanks! Do you have any tips for studying the DSO's (once the list comes out)?Infinity Flat wrote:For some basic stuff, http://www.astronomynotes.comsalcedam wrote:What are some good textbooks to use to study over the summer?
For more advanced, Carrol & Ostlie's Introduction to Modern Astrophysics.
For example, a question might ask, "Which DSO is a galaxy that has very strong, narrow spectral lines?" Now, I don't know the answer to this off the top of my head.I do know, however, that type 2 Seyfert galaxies have spectra like this, so I would check to see which DSO is a type 2 Seyfert galaxy. (The answer is NGC 1068)